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China Share markets

  China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.

The ultimate insider trading

  The ultimate insider trading   I recalled Bank Of Japan(BOJ)’s actions in this year. BOJ bought JP¥ and sold US$ before BOJ cancelled minus interest rate. If CEOs of companies do same things, they will be arrested by public powers and rules. I think BOJ has to be punished by market. P.S. I deleted junk g-mail. If someone sent to me important mail, please resend it.

The bias

  The bias Bias We see the world through our biased eyes. There are 4 things/persons for the bias. 1)Bias 2)Persons who have bias  3)Persons who create the bias 4)Tools for to make the bias The number of 1) and 2) are bigger than 3) and 4). Essential few Essential few things/persons are 3) and 4). If we can focus on 3) and 4), we will see the world differently than others do. Who/What is 3) and 4)? Platforms are 4), for example big media companies, big tech companies. The workers in them may be 3). What should we do? We cannot escape from our biases. To avoid the biases control, I recommend tactics “Pivot our communities”. Pivot communities  Pivot is basketball technique. To join various communities is to pivot communities. Center of communities may be family, and pivot communities may be good.

To read Tsundoku(積読) books

  To read Tsundoku(積読) books What is Tsundoku(積読)? Tsundoku from wiki Background I have bought many books in macOS/iOS Book app. But there were so many Tsundoku books. These days, I started to read them. macOS/iOS Book app’s good points This app is great to look back books which I had read. I also used Kindle app, but it is not good about UI. Kindle doesn’t provide what books I have read and their history. If I read Tsundoku books, their history shows when I completed the books. macOS/iOS Book app’s bad points Cost, it’s the problem… Kindle has Prime unlimited, but Book app doesn’t. I hope e-books’ price will get cheaper, but it doesn’t now… In the future I hope I will read 1000 e-books and 1000 e-comics. Now I have read 300-400 e-books and 500 e-comics. The hope will take some years, but I want to complete.

U.S. Steel company

  U.S. Steel company Background Nippon Steel bid for U.S. Steel faces Sept. 23 review deadline, sources say I saw the news that Nippon Steel wanted to buy U.S. Steel. I felt something wrong about it. Something wrong Why could Nippon Steel bid for U.S. Steel? There are many steel companies in the world, and there are a lot of companies for the bid. The reason they didn’t bid for U.S. Steel is that there is clear risk, American minds. So they didn’t touch the risk. I saw another news in Yahoo Japan… (This news is written in Japanese language.) The important point is Nippon Steel made decision as soon as possible. Furthermore, Nippon Steel aims to buy a local(USA) steel company because cheap steel products are rejected by US protectionist trade. Some points I thought some points a

The Spider’s Thread

The Spider’s Thread Background I recalled one story “The Spider’s Thread” by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa.'s_Thread This story tells us about to save only his/herself is bad things. My idea This story can apply everything in our minds. Developed countries have/had tried to save only own countries. Developed countries provided fake help to developing countries for maintaining advanced position. In 21st century, the way is no use. Now, Global South appears.  

Can Authoritarian Democracy shift to Normal Democracy by Democracy?

  Can Authoritarian Democracy shift to Normal Democracy by Democracy? Background In Japan, Liberal Democratic Party(Jimin Party:自民党) has been in power for long years. I have one question, how can Authoritarian Democracy shift to Normal Democracy by Democracy? My opinion I think it is impossible. A lot of Japan people has much and deep angry to Jimin Party, but I think that it is impossible. Democracy has several weak points. When population is decreasing, Democracy does not work well. Further, aging society helps not to change the existing power. In fact, Japan cannot change the existing power by Democracy. My feeling I feel that Jimin Party irritates to USA, but Democracy cannot change Jimin Party. To mind up for unchangeable of Japan politics will cost very high for current and future Japan people. But it is the cost with Democracy. Conclusion There is no free lunch. Peace is not free lunch, nor Democracy is not free lunch. Peace and Democracy need high cost. A

Excess electric power in Japan

Excess electric power in Japan Japan population is decreasing, but there are still many electric power plants. So what will Japan electric power companies do? I think Japan government wants Big IT companies to construct Datacenters and Supercomputers to use their excess electric power.

Binaural Beats maker

 I made Binaural Beats maker application.

Sustainable Infrastructure

Sustainable Infrastructure Sustainable Infrastructure Background I saw this news. China's drivers fret as robotaxis pick up pace - and passengers When I worked one construction company, I heard that if construction workers lose their job, they will do bad things. One idea I know there are a lot of solutions for this problem. To increase the field of construction workers is my solution. My idea is “Sustainable Infrastructure”. In Japan, it is partially permitted to use recycled aggregate to construct roads. Recycled aggregate includes old asphalt, stones and dusts. To use the recycled aggregate makes less new asphalt. This technology is sustainable infrastructure. Applying sustainable infrastructure to China I don’t know China’s road conditions and whether to use recycled aggregates or not. My idea to apply to China is that roads which are c

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Basics

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Basics Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Basics Background Chapter 11 - Bankruptcy Basics I searched about US Chapter 11. US Chapter 11’s good points There are some good points of US Chapter 11. (1)Speed up Reorganization If almost bankruptcy company provides essential things or services, the company will raise their prices. Because the company makes up for losses. It causes the social cost higher. (2)Prevent excessive repayments US Chapter 11 can prevent excessive repayments. In Japan, if someone borrow money from a bank, he/she will need a personal guarantee. It causes to discourage entrepreneurs. (3)Visible processes and goals I heard that 99% of new companies will bankrupt. We tend to focus on rest 1%, but 99% is bigger than 1%. With the establishment of bankruptcy laws, the processes and goals will be visible. Conclusion US Chapter 11 is good law.

Simple calculation

Simple calculation Simple calculation Background Bank Of Japan(BOJ) has 7% of Tokyo Prime stock market shares. The shares book value is 34 trillion yen. Tokyo stock market falls today Sum of Tokyo Prime stock was 962 trillion yen at July 31, 2024. Index of Tokyo Prime stock was between 1400-1450 at July 31, 2024. Today’s index was 1150. In fact, 962:1425=x:1150. X is 776. At Aug 5, 2024, sum of Tokyo Prime stock was 776 trillion yen. In fact, BOJ has 54 trillion yen of Tokyo Prime stock. What do I want to say? If index of Tokyo Prime stock falls down under 723, then BOJ bankrupts or becomes insolvent. 1150 * 54 / 34 = 723. If index of Tokyo Prime stock falls more 40% than today, Japan economy ends. Caution This simple calculation may include mistakes which I don’t know.

To claim “Not enough” is the signal for something goes wrong

To claim “Not enough” is the signal for something goes wrong To claim “Not enough” is the signal for something goes wrong Background I sometimes hear the “Not enough” in Japan. Not enough money, not enough Human Resources, not enough time, and so on. Why do they claim “Not enough”? In their views, there are just suitable numbers for satisfying their needs or wants. For above view, they claim “Not enough” to others. My opinion “Not enough” shows something goes wrong. If this signal appears, we should check our minds. Because our minds may tend to blame others or our environment. Furthermore, when someone claims “Not enough”, he/she often blames others or environment to solve his/her problems with less efforts.

Rules and Power

Rules and Power Rules and Power Background I thought about treaty of mutual cooperation and security between the United States and Japan(US-JP Treaty). Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan I concerned about “in the territories under the administration of Japan” includes Taiwan or not. I don’t think the territories includes Taiwan. But I know Chinese people take Taiwan as China for granted. Rules are protected by Power Almost all rules are protected by power. If someone breaks the rules, he/she will be attacked by power. If one side breaks US-JP treaty, what will happen? If US breaks US-JP treaty, JP will protest to US. If JP breaks US-JP treaty, what will US do? I don’t want to imagine the result, and I don’t know what US will do to Japan. Taiwan’s option (A)If Taiwan people want US army to protect, Taiwan has to be

Recalled someone who has worked for himself, not for company

  Recalled someone who has worked for himself, not for company Background I have worked at one construction company, and I recalled one man who has worked for himself, not for company. I made 2 pictures which show someone’s values. [Picture 1] [Picture 2] Picture 1 shows company’s benefit includes own’s benefit. Picture 2 shows company’s benefit and own’s benefit overlap. I don’t know what the one man is doing now. Priority of value If his priority of value shows A is larger than A and B(A > A & B), he will be taken advantage by outer enemies. Then why I recalled this is to see below news. Trump says he had 'very good call' with Ukraine's Zelenskiy, pledges to end war To see the news, I thought Mr.Trump will choose A more than A and B. His wife was born in east-EU, so that he can’t stop to meddle to Ukraine-Russia War. To think about this, hi