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 2022/6/29.  New NFT style I joined NFT group, BOSO TOKYO. It seems to be exciting. NFT will be main tool for ART dealings. https :// wn. nr /WFZ5Ss

1min Quiz ANSWER

 2022/4/18.  1 min Quiz Answer

1 min Quiz

 2022/4/11.  I min Quiz Hidden 5 letters! Find them! Hint: Times New Roman!

Jack the Porker support page

 Jack the Porker support page "Jack the Porker" is extension for counting cards in pop up page. This extension helps to count cards by clicking cards. If you click one card, it will turn to be dark mode. If you want to refresh all cards, then click "Refresh" button and all cards will turn to be light mode. Enjoy your card games! Jack the Porker サポートページ "Jack the porker"は、ポップアップページ内でカードを数えるための拡張機能です。 この拡張機能は、カードをクリックすることにより、カードを数えることを手助けします。 一つのカードをクリックした場合、そのカードは暗くなります。 全てのカードをリフレッシュしたい場合、"Refresh"ボタンをクリックすると全てのカードが明るくなります。 カードゲームを楽しんでください! * I misspelled app name... Not "Porker", but "Poker"... Shameful... *My code is here. コードをGitHubに置きました。 GitHub Chrome extension Safari extension Qiita

Russia under China

  2022/3/14.  Russia under China Russia is going to be bankruptcy. Russia Asked China for Military Assistance, U.S. Officials Say Thinking about separating one country from the world economy is similar to thinking about “Four color theorem”. The world economy can be mapped with colors more than four. But if rest of world want to separate one country,  is it possible or not? Russia has big GDP, 11th in 2017. But Russia doesn’t have access with many countries. This means a lot of countries doesn’t need Russia economy. In this time, “access” is border to other economies. What this means is that separating Russia from the world economy is easy to do. What similar to “Four color theorem” is that if one c...

Liar Liar

  2022/3/7.  Liar Liar “Liar Liar” doesn’t mean famous Avicii’s song. I met one liar(Hereinafter referred to as “Mr.Bean”). I am thinking about Liar’s emotion. As a premise, “Telling a lie” doesn’t include misunderstanding, unknown or idea. In this case, “Telling a lie” means that “Saying one thing which is different from knowing/thinking”. For example, Mr.Bean told me that his father is a photographer, but actually his father is an employed worker in famous company. This is one of lies which Mr.Bean told me. I categorized Liar’s behavior. Liar category Positive to tell a lie Negative to tell a lie Selfish Problem Normal Not selfish Not bad(or Joker) Reliable Mr.Bean is a problem people to me. What problem is that I can’t distinguish whether the things he told is truth or lie. Worser things is there, he knows “Game theory” and he seems to use it to me. The words he told include some lies, so I should doubt them all. But th...

Animation Sample 3 with SwiftUI

 2022/2/27.  Animation Sample 3 with SwiftUI This is not animation, but picture. I made southpark animaniton like face with SwiftUI. I uploaded my code on Github.

Russia as one of players

  2022/2/22.  Russia as one of players Russia used classical method to Ukraine, “Divide and Rule”. Russia faces new sanctions, as war fears rise And I watched another news. Trump’s Truth Social Launches on Apple’s App Store, With Glitches Russia and Former President Trump may be making one team. The team will challenge to win to current rulers. (I don’t believe conspiracy theory.) The team will claim that the world is governed by someone who are very rich. (I want to claim that Russia President Putin and USA Former President Trump are both very rich!!!) Putin and Trump may have contacts to each other.(I have some conviction about this idea.) 2022/2/23.  Additional News I found I found this news... Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushn...

Future Information

  2022/2/17.  Future Information Trying to see or to make future, it is the problem… Focusing to eyes or to hands for future, this is our problem… I am feeling small regret about my past attitude to the world. I have tried to see future, but haven’t tried to make future. This is because of lack of self-confidence. I have learned chemistry, but I didn’t really understand about how catalyst works. If we want to occur chemical reaction, more than one material(s) and heat will be needed. Catalyst makes chemical reaction with less heat. Best investment is like catalyst, it doesn’t need much money nor many efforts. Hidden needs in people is like heat in chemical reaction. To be specific, Crypto currencies have caught the needs which people felt about future. A lot of money have been flowed by central banks, and it caused fear about future. Thinking about crypto currencies, Bitcoins or other coins seem not to catch people’s fear perfectly. People feel fear about d...


  2022/2/13.  Turkey I read this article, and am thinking about Turkey government’s debt. Fitch downgrades Turkish debt amid soaring inflation I searched some datas about Turkey’s economy. From google, And this site, Turkey GDP(b$) Currency($)@Jan Debt ratio(%) 2017 859 0.27 28.03 2018 778.4 0.27 30.17 2019 761.4 0.19 32.66 2020 720.1 0.17 39.77 2021 0.14 37.77? 2022? 0.072 37.92? Currency’s value is decreased to half from 2021 to 2022. This means GDP’s value would be half and Debt ratio would be twice. Then I searched Turkey’s interest ratio was 14.00% at Jan 20, 2022. In 2022, ...

Ukraine between EU and Russia

  2022/2/8.  Ukraine between EU and Russia Ukraine is old Philippines. EU is like a sleepy tiger, it still sleep. Ukraine will be taken by Russia in near future not only by war, but by indirect methods. After that, EU people will wake up and know what is/will be happening outside of their EU. Then, EU will try to shake hands with USA tightly. Ukraine will be tragic country, but will be medicine for world peace. Philippines, one of tragic countries in Asia, had kicked out US Army. Then China Army has constructed their bases in Philippines. Other Asia countries has watched it, and they seems to band together. I read this article. EU is sleeping with dream. Russia is ready for something.