2020/11/8. The NEXT one USA president election has finished. Mr.Trump has done great works. He has showed us bad sides of current systems, Capitalism & Globalism. USA and other developed countries are aging, and this means that they are losing their power. This is clear from that they become to depend on MMT theory. Turning point is the time one developed country bankrupts. When turning point comes, aging developed countries will realize that they have to pay past generation’s debt. When and where the turning point will happen at, this is problem. Japan? USA? Italy? Or other country? I thought some situations, 1)Japan Japan is aging, and someday Japanese average workers will realize that they are paying past generation’s debt, not for their assets. At that time, they will do something bad thing to Japan government. Now, Japan gov is doing well, in other words, it is tricking average workers. Japan government’s bankruptcy will be after 2025.(This is roughly estimation.) 2)USA U...