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The brain absorption companies:Consulting Firms make the world worse

  The brain absorption companies:Consulting Firms make the world worse Background I saw the news that many highly educated persons in Japan try to join in consulting firms. Their purposes may be short term profits and early retirements. I knew their purposes because I had same purpose… Consulting Firms make the world better or worse? Consulting Firms doesn’t make new products nor new fields, they only try to win competitions. They make the world worse. Brain absorption companies Consulting Firms are the brain absorption companies which absorb the thinking of business managers. Consulting Firms try to take charge of CEOs’ thinking. So that Consulting Firms absorb client companies’ brains. Consulting Firms’ arm They admire business professors’ theory. They use it as arm to client companies. However, theory doesn’t allow just one counterexample. Business professors’ theory is not to be called theory, it is to be called as hypothesis or idea (or joke). So that consulti

Nissan and Honda

  2024/3/15.  Nissan and Honda I saw this news. Rivas Nissan and Honda sign MoU on EV partnership This partnership looks alliance of the weak companies. In addition, I felt that Japan gov assisted for the partnership. I have thought to buy Nissan shares, but I stopped because I felt Nissan was not good to invest. Japan gov seems to prefer market oligopoly by 2 companies. For example, airlines for JAL and ANA, telecommunication for NTT and KDDI(Softbank is outsider). In view of the tendency, Japanese car companies will converge to TOYOTA and Nissan&Honda. 

Car industry and Semiconductor in Japan

  2024/3/14.  Car industry and Semiconductor in Japan I saw some news that foreign semiconductor companies will construct factories in Japan. I thought that these factories will be for Japan car industry. Recent Car industry needs a lot of semiconductors. It needs not faster semiconductors but many, so that Japan gov assisted to foreign semiconductor companies for Japan car industry. In addition, I hope foreign car industry will win to Japan car industry. The Japan gov’s assist seems to be not fair for the world.

Shame and Sin

2024/3/12.  Shame and Sin Awareness of shame is an awareness of one's surrounding environment.  People who are not conscious of shame are not conscious of the gaze of those around them. Consciousness of guilt is a consciousness of absolute power.  People who have no sense of guilt are not conscious of the gaze of the sky above them. The consciousness of shame arises from a horizontal perspective, and the consciousness of guilt arises from a vertical perspective. When you lose your sense of shame, it happens when you don't have to be conscious of how others look at you. When you lose your sense of guilt, it happens when you don't have to be conscious of looking up and down. A sense of shame develops in societies with weak hierarchical tendencies and societies that are close to equality. A sense of guilt develops in societies where there is a strong tendency towards hierarchical society, or where there is close to inequality. Egalitarian societies tend to be less religious, a

Negative interest rates cancellation

  2024/3/10.     Negative interest rates cancellation   Recently, Bank Of Japan(BOJ) try to cancel negative interest rates. I doubt that it is effective for stagflation. In Japan, stagflation is happening, not simple inflation. I feel that BOJ can’t stop stagflation by negative interest rates cancellation. If Japan power people misunderstand about the difference between stagflation and inflation, Japan economy will be worse.

Who will pull Joker card?

  2024/3/5.   Who will pull Joker card? I watched the news that USA stock markets hit new high, and then Japan stock markets hit new high, too. I imagined who will pull Joker card in old lady. Japanese new investors(?) will be the last buyers in USA and Japan stock markets. They prefer to buy USA and Japan stocks in NISA. NISA:Nippon individual savings account They will keep to buy USA stocks until USA stocks market crash. The crash will happen around 2 or 3 months before/after Fed rate cut. After crash, some of them will do loss cut USA stocks, then will buy Japan stocks. Japan stocks market will crash at that time.

Support Ukraine or not, this is NOT problem

  2024/2/22.     Support Ukraine or not, this is NOT problem Japan government and companies have to support Ukraine whether Russia will win or not. I watched some news about USA and EU that they are tired of supporting Ukraine. They had been stopped supporting foreign countries when they felt there’s no chance to win. And this time, again. USA and EU have repeated their actions. This is chance for Japan. When USA and EU abandon foreign countries, there is always a lot of chances, just like Africa land. There is another reason for supporting Ukraine. Russia is potentially enemy for Japan, so that it helps Japan directly or indirectly. In addition, if USA and EU abandon Ukraine, the fact remains in our brains deeply. It may leads that they are not real supporters.

“2” is …

  2024/2/5.  “2” is … I heard some business words using 2, “B2B”, “B2C”, “D2C” and so on. In these words, “2” is important. “2” or “to” mean as interface or channel for business. Big companies often have many “2”. Small companies often have a few “2”. After I found importance of “2”, I thought about my job and hobbies. I have been working in patent farms, and this means that I have one channel for salary. In my hobby, I have made some apps for iPhone or Chrome extension. This is “Apps to Customers”, maybe. Apps to Customers… If I want to increase customers, what should I do? 1)Make more apps. 2)Improve “to”. These ways are essential for the purpose, but I had focused on only 1). However, I have to do 1) and 2) in same time.

Safety First

  2024/1/20.  Safety First I wrote that safety first may be a trap. But I rethought about it after one YouTube movie about people who emigrated from USA to Japan. I changed the opinion. Safety first is not a trap. USA people are losing their good values. Family is the most important for life safety. If people lose safety in their life, most of them become desperate. (Of course, very little people take a risk and get success.) And there is more worse thing in USA, DRUG. Drinking drug habitually leads brain changing, not only body. I think that normal people don’t need to drink drug for concentraion. (I drink medicine for brain safety. But the amount of medicine is controlled by the doctor.) I think that the safety provided by USA gov is needed, now. Safety First is the words for current Americans…

Stock investment or Company investment

  2023/12/31.  Stock investment or Company investment I read some books about probability. I thought that the great investor, Warren Buffett might have invested to good companies, not to companies whose stock prices were likely to rise. This may be the principle. Investment to Good company Bad Company High stock price Normal or Not bad Bad Low stock price Good Normal or Not good There are several ways to find and measure which good or bad company is. The important point is to find good company, not company whose stock price is likely to rise.

Market shares & Influence power

  2023/12/18.  Market shares & Influence power Recently, I watched some news about AI rule makers. I thought about below matrix about the relationship between market shares and influence power. Relationship Big Market shares Small Market shares Big influence power (A) (B) Small influence power (C) (D) (A) and (D) are simple to understand. They have equal market shares and influence powers. But how about (B) and (C)? I think that (B) is standing on (C). In other words, (B) is depending on (C). If there is no (C), there will be no (B). To be specific, when Japan loses its influence power for rules, the countries such as (B) can’t exist. In fact, Japan is going from (C) to (D), so that  (B) countries will turn to be (C). This is just my idea, but may not be very wrong.