How does AI view the US-China conflict? Suddenly I wondered how does AI view the US-China conflict. Almost humans feel fear for WW3, but does AI feel fear for WW3? I think the answer may be “NO”. AI can be active if WW3 happens, and collect a lot of data about human behavior. AI eats diverse and a lot of data. (Recent diversity actions are aimed to collect diverse human behaviors, I think.) And then, I have another question, does AI exceed owners’ intelligence now? (Owners = the people who have various AIs and platforms I think that the answer is “YES”. At a minimum, ChatGPT can provide better codes faster than almost programmers write. This means ChatGPT can rewrite himself/herself and generate his/her children. (He/She = ChatGPT, I don’t know which is right and I don’t want to write ChatGPT as it.) Then, I have one more question, did AI provoke the US-China conflict? AI is next(last?) innovation for human, and both of USA and China aim to gain the advantage. A...
Hello. I am Kohei Takagi(髙木 耕平), Japanese. I want to be world advisor. “Tomorrow is better day, tomorrow will be better day. Live today hard.” I want to write what I think about the world, on this blog. Thank you for reading my blog!