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Showing posts with the label Others

Ukraine between EU and Russia

  2022/2/8.  Ukraine between EU and Russia Ukraine is old Philippines. EU is like a sleepy tiger, it still sleep. Ukraine will be taken by Russia in near future not only by war, but by indirect methods. After that, EU people will wake up and know what is/will be happening outside of their EU. Then, EU will try to shake hands with USA tightly. Ukraine will be tragic country, but will be medicine for world peace. Philippines, one of tragic countries in Asia, had kicked out US Army. Then China Army has constructed their bases in Philippines. Other Asia countries has watched it, and they seems to band together. I read this article. EU is sleeping with dream. Russia is ready for something.

Republican, Democrat, and Conservative parties(Politics in USA)

  2021/10/30.  Republican, Democrat, and Conservative parties(Politics in USA) In Japan, tomorrow is the Election Day. But I am not interested in it… I am watching this news. Trump’s Social-Media Platform Joins Crowded Conservative Media Field In near future, two-party system in USA seems to end. Former USA president Donald Trump Jr may start own media. Then he may make own party, maybe it will be “Conservative party”. It will end two-party system in USA. The important things is that the two-party system couldn’t help nor save some peoples. It is not perfect system. We(? I am Japanese, but “We”) have to admit it, and then go forward to next stage.

Common good(China vs Taiwan)

  2021/10/2.  Common good(China vs Taiwan) I am thinking about common good(=“公益”). Common good includes not only values(ex. Democracy, Capitalism), but providing life/economic things. When 2 countries(ex. China vs Taiwan) are fighting each other, how other countries judge friend/enemy line? There may be some ways, and they may be below matrix. Relationships between common/private good Common good(=“ 公益 ”)   More Common good(=“ 公益 ”)   Less Private good(=“ 私益 ”) More (1)Friend (3)? Private good(=“ 私益 ”) Less (2)? (4)Enemy This matrix shows some friend/enemy line. This matrix is consisted from,  (1)common good is more and private good is more:(1)Friend, (2)common good is more and private good is less:(2)?, (3)common good is less and private good is more:(3)?, (4)common good is less and private good is less:(4)enemy. The problem often come from (2) and (3) patterns. If I write specifically, China has more private good tha...

The YASUKUNI: Mislabeled

YASUKUNI shrine was established at 1869. This means that YASUKUNI was NOT established for WW2. YASUKUNI was established for people who wanted to be Japan as modernized country. Many foreigners and Japanese are doubted at this point... #I want foreigners to know real Japan...