2022/2/8. Ukraine between EU and Russia Ukraine is old Philippines. EU is like a sleepy tiger, it still sleep. Ukraine will be taken by Russia in near future not only by war, but by indirect methods. After that, EU people will wake up and know what is/will be happening outside of their EU. Then, EU will try to shake hands with USA tightly. Ukraine will be tragic country, but will be medicine for world peace. Philippines, one of tragic countries in Asia, had kicked out US Army. Then China Army has constructed their bases in Philippines. Other Asia countries has watched it, and they seems to band together. I read this article. https://www.wsj.com/articles/putin-to-meet-macron-as-france-tries-to-flex-diplomatic-muscle-over-ukraine-11644241608?page=1 EU is sleeping with dream. Russia is ready for something.
Hello. I am Kohei Takagi(髙木 耕平), Japanese. I want to be world advisor. “Tomorrow is better day, tomorrow will be better day. Live today hard.” I want to write what I think about the world, on this blog. Thank you for reading my blog!