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Showing posts with the label Market

Dissonance between President Trump and FRB

  Dissonance between President Trump and FRB I read this news. Trump readies order for steep tariffs on goods from Mexico, Canada, China I felt that there may be dissonance between President Trump and FRB. President Trump might think that FRB would cut interest rates, but FRB didn’t. I thought that President Trump wanted to order tariffs, and FRB would support it. Why does this dissonance happen? I think that there are difference between what President Trump watches and what FRB watches. President Trump may watch the future, but FRB watches past.

Legal Online CASINO: USA share markets

  Legal Online CASINO: USA share markets Background I was interested in this news. Tradeweb to extend trading hours the day after US election My thought Share markets has turned to be Legal Online CASINO. USA share markets’ rival will be real/online CASINO. How to invest good companies? Venture capital is the way, not to bet money on share markets. What will happen in share markets? Current share markets are not the field to invest good companies. They are the field to play “Old lady game”. Rich sells shares in high price and poor buy a small amount the shares. After stock markets crash, Rich buy the shares little by little in low price to collect them. This is the system, which is alike to a hamster wheel. One idea I have read the book “Just Keep Buying”. The book only told that Just Keep Buying the shares. I can write Python code and use GCP, so that t...

China Share markets

  China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.

Mismatch between China supply capacity and USA inflation

  2024/4/18.  Mismatch between China supply capacity and USA inflation I found one large mismatch between China supply capacity and USA inflation. USA inflation may be caused by house construction fee. Buying house is one of the most expensive things in our life. Recently, China real estate market is in trouble. Because there is large house supply capacity. Of course, I know China can’t export their house to USA. But how about building materials? China has large building material supply capacity and USA wants house to be cheaper. There seems to be mismatch between them. I don’t know who will be selected to next USA president. But Mr.Trump is good at real estates trading. So I hope that Mr.Trump or current US president Biden can solve this mismatch.

Japanese listed companies

  2023/9/17.  Japanese listed companies I saw Mr.Warren Buffet has bought Japanese trading companies’ stocks. I thought it was good decision, but there may be misunderstanding between Japanese stocks and World stocks. In Japanese listed companies, the workers including CEOs in the companies, doesn’t think shareholders is more important than them. I made graphes. They think as core-shell structure or insider/outsider. And world stocks is below... So if Mr.Warren Buffet doesn’t know it, it may cause a lot of stress to him and Japan workers.

Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? 2

  2023/6/5.  Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? 2 I researched about the relationship between copper and Nikkei 225. I wrote below codes. Nikkei 225 price seems to have relationship with copper power 3 price. Nikkei 225 = (Copper price ^3) * some times If you like this result, I will be happy. 2023/6/6. Additionally, Copper price has more relationship with Nikkei 225 than Copper price power 3. I was wrong. 2023/6/10. Additionally, I did cluster analysis to the result. This is interesting.

Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan?

  2023/5/27.   Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? Recently, I searched about relationship between Nikkei225 and commodities. I found that copper’s price has higher relationship to Nikkei225 than Gold or Silver prices. From 2015-01-01 to 2023-05-26, relationships are  Platinum:0.171 Gold:0.736 Silver:0.745 Copper:0.787. Above is result of my codes. Honestly, I worried to open this result and codes. But I don’t have enough money to buy/sell stocks, so it is no need to worry...

The end of $

  2023/5/8.     The end of $ The end of $ is coming soon. In my mind, $’s power is decreasing faster. In my brain images, ¥(JPY) & $ are losing their colors. I watched about US debt ceiling problem, and think about future. Will the debt be solved soon or 100 years later? Soon is obviously wrong , but 100 years later is absolutely wrong. 100 years later, the debt will be bigger and bigger. For the debt, USA government has to approach principal solutions, but it doesn’t nor won’t. In 20 years ago, there weren’t any alternative to $. But now, there are a lot of digital coins. So I started trading digital coins with Python. There is another problem that I am concerning, the capitalism’s system limit. Capitalism needs regularly economic depression. I imagine that older people could earn $ which would have higher value, but younger can’t. So if younger people want to be rich, there may revolution of money. It happened by Bitcoin. In my opinion, Bitcoin will be digital gold,...


  2022/2/13.  Turkey I read this article, and am thinking about Turkey government’s debt. Fitch downgrades Turkish debt amid soaring inflation I searched some datas about Turkey’s economy. From google, And this site, Turkey GDP(b$) Currency($)@Jan Debt ratio(%) 2017 859 0.27 28.03 2018 778.4 0.27 30.17 2019 761.4 0.19 32.66 2020 720.1 0.17 39.77 2021 0.14 37.77? 2022? 0.072 37.92? Currency’s value is decreased to half from 2021 to 2022. This means GDP’s value would be half and Debt ratio would be twice. Then I searched Turkey’s interest ratio was 14.00% at Jan 20, 2022. In 2022, ...