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Showing posts with the label Headache

Touch sensor

  “Touch sensor” I know 4 types of sensors, eyes, ears, nose, and touch will be special abilities for persons with highly pattern recognition skill. In 4 types of sensors, touch sensor may be most special ability. Touch sensor is strongly connected to survival instinct. We people are born with crying. This crying may be from pain. No pain, no gain. No tears, no life. Touch sensor, includes pain, is from survival instinct, so that it is most special in 4 types of sensors.

Rarity of special abilities

  2024/4/29.   Rarity of special abilities I think about rarity of special abilities. In my experience, the rarity of persons who have special abilities is under 1 person per 741 person. Under 1 person per 741 person means IQ over 145(SD15), over +4 sigma. The special abilities of the persons are connected to their own input sensors. Recent IQ tests measure only visionary pattern recognition. But human special abilities are categorized by 4 types of input sensors. Vision, Sound, Perfume and Touch. Persons who have high pattern recognition ability, can connect it to their input sensors. Special abilities are not only one to have, but combinations of 4 sensors to have. In addition, I rethink about special abilities. Maybe, The persons who have over IQ130 score of pattern recognition skill have their own special abilities.

Relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition

  2024/4/27.   Relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition I know about headaches and body’s pains are signals by special abilities. There is strong relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition. The way how I feel pains as special abilities and analysis them is below. Input A: Feel headache and body pains Verbalization: Verbalize input A, then memorize it or write on memo Input B: Observation other people’s feeling or situations Compare: Compare Verbalized Input A and Input B Output:Improve to recognize what my pains mean “Compare” process needs pattern recognition skill. Typically figure IQ test aims to measure pattern recognition skill about input from eyes. The IQ test is only for input from eyes. My pains are from touch sensor in my body. Then I applied pattern recognition skill for my pains. I don’t know how other people use own recognition skill. But if other people notice how the pains patterns reveal, they can c...

Headache and body’s pain

  2024/4/24.     Headache and body’s pain I think that my headache and body’s pain are special abilities. Signals of headaches and body’s pain have different accuracies. Body’s pain has higher accuracy than headaches. Body’s pain may show other people’s strong attentions. Headaches show other people’s weak attentions. I categorize headaches and body’s pain. Headaches  •Head’s right back pain:Anger by normal males  •Head’s left back pain:Anger by normal females  •Head’s right top pain:Anger by smart females  •Head’s left top pain:Anger by smart males  Body’s pain •Body’s back pain:Bad and planed attention  •Right hand’s pain:Strong anger by males  •Left hand’s pain:Anger by females(I don’t have many examples.)

The way(道)

  2024/4/23.  The way(道) I will write how to notice tiny difference and keep on observations. In this article, tiny differences mean small pains on my body. I know it is not common way to notice tiny differences. (1)Notice tiny difference If people feel headache, people usually think bad health. I did, too. But when I realized my headache may be connected to other people’s bad attitudes. When other people turns his/her attention to me, I sometimes feel it as headache or body pains. It is beginning for notice tiny differences. (2)Keep on observations I have been keeping on observations about my pains by memorizing in head and writing on memo. Writing on memo is very important action, because remembering in head uses a lot of own brain resource. (3)Process to improve feeling People usually think as below. Input information -> think input -> Output thoughts I use below process to improve feeling my pains. Input A: Feel headache and body pains Verbaliza...


  February 25th, 2023 Headache I've read halfway through 'Visual Thinking' by Temple Grandin and discovered a variety of thinking methods, which I've illustrated in the figure below. Visual thinking methods are divided into two types: flat visual and spatial visual. The right brain tends to utilize visual thinking methods, while the left brain typically employs verbal and numerical thinking methods. ============================================================================= The following sentences describe my experience with headaches, and although I wasn't eager to share this information, I believe it's worth mentioning, even if it contains inaccurate information. ============================================================================= Through my headaches, I can sense what others are feeling toward me. My headaches communicate this information through tiny pains. If someone is experiencing kind feelings toward me, the tiny pain feels warm. On the...