Human evaluations are difficult, because they are all opinions. Human evaluations are very difficult. Because they are all someone’s opinions. I found it. Human vertical and horizontal evaluations are all stood on someone’s opinions. So that there is no perfect evaluation. If some consultants bring to you perfect human resource evaluation, the consultants are liars.
2023/5/27. Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? Recently, I searched about relationship between Nikkei225 and commodities. I found that copper’s price has higher relationship to Nikkei225 than Gold or Silver prices. From 2015-01-01 to 2023-05-26, relationships are Platinum:0.171 Gold:0.736 Silver:0.745 Copper:0.787. Above is result of my codes. Honestly, I worried to open this result and codes. But I don’t have enough money to buy/sell stocks, so it is no need to worry...