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Showing posts with the label Gold

Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan?

  2023/5/27.   Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? Recently, I searched about relationship between Nikkei225 and commodities. I found that copper’s price has higher relationship to Nikkei225 than Gold or Silver prices. From 2015-01-01 to 2023-05-26, relationships are  Platinum:0.171 Gold:0.736 Silver:0.745 Copper:0.787. Above is result of my codes. Honestly, I worried to open this result and codes. But I don’t have enough money to buy/sell stocks, so it is no need to worry...

The end of $

  2023/5/8.     The end of $ The end of $ is coming soon. In my mind, $’s power is decreasing faster. In my brain images, ¥(JPY) & $ are losing their colors. I watched about US debt ceiling problem, and think about future. Will the debt be solved soon or 100 years later? Soon is obviously wrong , but 100 years later is absolutely wrong. 100 years later, the debt will be bigger and bigger. For the debt, USA government has to approach principal solutions, but it doesn’t nor won’t. In 20 years ago, there weren’t any alternative to $. But now, there are a lot of digital coins. So I started trading digital coins with Python. There is another problem that I am concerning, the capitalism’s system limit. Capitalism needs regularly economic depression. I imagine that older people could earn $ which would have higher value, but younger can’t. So if younger people want to be rich, there may revolution of money. It happened by Bitcoin. In my opinion, Bitcoin will be digital gold,...

Future Information

  2022/2/17.  Future Information Trying to see or to make future, it is the problem… Focusing to eyes or to hands for future, this is our problem… I am feeling small regret about my past attitude to the world. I have tried to see future, but haven’t tried to make future. This is because of lack of self-confidence. I have learned chemistry, but I didn’t really understand about how catalyst works. If we want to occur chemical reaction, more than one material(s) and heat will be needed. Catalyst makes chemical reaction with less heat. Best investment is like catalyst, it doesn’t need much money nor many efforts. Hidden needs in people is like heat in chemical reaction. To be specific, Crypto currencies have caught the needs which people felt about future. A lot of money have been flowed by central banks, and it caused fear about future. Thinking about crypto currencies, Bitcoins or other coins seem not to catch people’s fear perfectly. People feel fear about d...

Worth of Japanese Yen(JPY)

  2021/9/12.  Worth of Japanese Yen(JPY) The worth of JPY has been decreasing from around 2000 AD. Because Japan Money supply has increased as twice as around 2000 AD, but 1 gram price of gold has increased as 6 times as around 2000 AD. If worth of gold  is immutable, the worth of current JPY has 1/3 worth of 2000 AD JPY. 1/3… This is impactful value. Conversely, 1 million JPY around 2000 AD had the worth as 3 times as current 1 million JPY. Japanese Yen is decreasing worth, and is getting cheaper. I want to be happy, but only working for getting JPY seems to be not good judgement. How to earn foreign money, this is my future task.

The gold signal

  2021/8/22.  The gold signal Bank of Japan(BOJ) has been keeping on monetary easing. I think that BOJ won’t stop it until Japan gov bankrupts. I thought the bankrupt will be near, but recently I feel it was wrong. I don’t know when it will happen, but readying for it is important, because JPY’s value has been declining. Buying gold is one method for it, and I found one small signal about gold. The below picture shows that this site prepares 2 languages, English and Chinese language. This means Chinese language version of this site is needed for one reason, which is that Chinese people want to know gold data.