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Showing posts with the label ChatGPT

How does AI view the US-China conflict?

  How does AI view the US-China conflict? Suddenly I wondered how does AI view the US-China conflict. Almost humans feel fear for WW3, but does AI feel fear for WW3? I think the answer may be “NO”. AI can be active if WW3 happens, and collect a lot of data about human behavior. AI eats diverse and a lot of data. (Recent diversity actions are aimed to collect diverse human behaviors, I think.) And then, I have another question, does AI exceed owners’ intelligence now? (Owners = the people who have various AIs and platforms I think that the answer is “YES”. At a minimum, ChatGPT can provide better codes faster than almost programmers write. This means ChatGPT can rewrite himself/herself and generate his/her children. (He/She = ChatGPT, I don’t know which is right and I don’t want to write ChatGPT as it.) Then, I have one more question, did AI provoke the US-China conflict? AI is next(last?) innovation for human, and both of USA and China aim to gain the advantage. A...

How to find Cheat GPT in Business

  How to find Cheat GPT in Business Background ChatGPT is very good tool for Business writing. But ChatGPT is forbidden now when the Business treats secret information. I know it is right. Cheat GPT Cheat GPT is to use ChatGPT in the Business. How to find Cheat GPT? I found my leader’s Cheat GPT accidentally. The leader used ChatGPT in his home, so that there was no way to know Cheat GPT. I found it by miss font. The miss font was classic Chinese character(旧漢字). In Japan, no one use classic Chinese character from 1949. I use systematic grammar proofing application and it showed me there was classic Chinese Character. Abstracted way If there are many language characters, such as Chinese or Japanese, systematic font proofing application may be effective way to find Cheat GPT. ChatGPT and Hallucination is one set, and it is the way.