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Classic framework in Japan society

  Classic framework in Japan society After WW2, Japan has kept to apply one framework for the society. The framework is based on population increasing. Now, Japan population is decreasing, so that the politics members have to construct new framework. Maybe, Jimin party(自民党) can’t do it. I think it’s okay because Jimin party has been chosen by Japan voters. Japan society will pay a lot of costs which has been made by classic framework. I was graduated good high school, but I felt fear for going on to good university. Because my family was not rich, so that Japan society will cut off me just like lizard tail when Japan voters want to change classic framework. Now I feel calm because I won’t be cut off when Japan society changes.

To use LiDAR or not, it is the problem…

  “To use LiDAR or not, it is the problem…” I remembered this news and thought something. Luminar says Tesla is biggest customer for its lidar sensors Tesla may not use LiDAR sensors for their cars. This will be large issue. Tesla’s software will be de facto standard on next electric car industry. If Tesla doesn’t use the data from LiDARs, the communications between Tesla cars and other cars will be difficult. Because the communications need common datas and protocols. For example, if Tesla cars don’t have the data from LiDARs, other cars have to follow it. I saw below news. 3 Japanese Carmakers Eye Joint Software Development; Toyota, Honda, Nissan See Benefits in Standardization Toyota, Honda, Nissan will use LiDAR sensors. The decision will suffer them because their cars can’t communicate with Te