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Showing posts with the label ART

Image generator in OpenAI

 I feel boring in this Sunday afternoon... I tried to use image generator in OpenAI. The result is very terrible... I asked, "Will you redesign this picture to be as written by Van Gogh?" Then ChatGPT answered as below picture... I was scared... I asked again, "Will you redesign this picture to be as written by Hokusai Katsusika(葛飾北斎)?" Then below picture. I feel calm... Last time, I asked, "Will you redesign this picture to be as written by combination of Van Gogh and Hokusai Katsusika?" The result is below. I think that AI's imagination power is already above us.


  2022/7/8.  BOSO TOKYO BOSO TOKYO is new styles of ART and CULTURE. This is combined with block chain technology. Creators can distribute their art directly by using block chain. Now the creators are trying to  give NFT avatars to us. Not all people who entry to BOSO TOKYO can get it. This action may be Win-Win project between the creators and fans. To see BOSO TOKYO’s “Give away NFT”, jump from here. Limit date is 2020/7/20.

The Rush Life

2020/2/2.   The Rush Life Recently, I feel that I want to work for my assets, not for other’s assets. It seems that making apps is good way for it. Further, having own servers is good way, too. The problem is that making apps and having servers take my private time. I am not powerful people. But I do for my life. I can give up my dreams, but my dreams can’t give up me. They wake me…