Simple calculation
Bank Of Japan(BOJ) has 7% of Tokyo Prime stock market shares.
The shares book value is 34 trillion yen.
Tokyo stock market falls today
Sum of Tokyo Prime stock was 962 trillion yen at July 31, 2024.Index of Tokyo Prime stock was between 1400-1450 at July 31, 2024.
Today’s index was 1150.
In fact, 962:1425=x:1150.
X is 776.
At Aug 5, 2024, sum of Tokyo Prime stock was 776 trillion yen.
In fact, BOJ has 54 trillion yen of Tokyo Prime stock.
What do I want to say?
If index of Tokyo Prime stock falls down under 723, then BOJ bankrupts or becomes insolvent.1150 * 54 / 34 = 723.
If index of Tokyo Prime stock falls more 40% than today, Japan economy ends.
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