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Showing posts from June, 2024

Classic framework in Japan society

Classic framework in Japan society Classic framework in Japan society Current situation After WW2, Japan has kept to apply one framework for the society. The framework is based on population increasing. Now, Japan population is decreasing, so that the politics members have to construct new framework. Thoughts Maybe, Jimin party(自民党) can’t do it. I think it’s okay because Jimin party has been chosen by Japan voters. Japan society will pay a lot of costs which has been made by classic framework. Conclusion I was graduated good high school, but I felt fear for going on to good university. Because my family was not rich, so that Japan society will cut off me just like lizard tail when Japan voters want to change classic framework. Now I feel calm because I won’t be cut off when Japan society changes.


ポモドーロタイマー:集中力を最大化するアプリ 時間管理を革新するシンプルで効果的な方法 「ポモドーロタイマー」は、あなたの生産性を向上させるための最適なツールです。このアプリは、科学的に証明されたポモドーロテクニックに基づいており、25分間の集中作業と5分間の休憩を繰り返すことで、長時間の作業でも疲れにくく、効率よくタスクを進めることができます。 主な特長: 直感的な操作性 :シンプルでクリアなインターフェースにより、どなたでも簡単に使用開始できます。 このアプリは、以下の方におすすめです: 自宅でテレワークをしている方 勉強や試験の準備で集中力を高めたい学生の方 クリエイティブな仕事をしているデザイナーやライターの方 今すぐ「ポモドーロタイマー」をダウンロードして、時間管理を効率化し、毎日をもっと生産的に過ごしましょう!

Excessive expectations

  “Excessive expectations” Recently, Japan society seems to have excessive expectations to young people. Excessive expectations causes serious young persons to be depressed. I worry about it. Excessive expectations don’t make targets to be happy. People who has expectations to others have to pay the cost as same as the expectations. There is no free lunch. I hope that young people in Japan not to care about Japan society’s expectations.

Image generator in OpenAI

 I feel boring in this Sunday afternoon... I tried to use image generator in OpenAI. The result is very terrible... I asked, "Will you redesign this picture to be as written by Van Gogh?" Then ChatGPT answered as below picture... I was scared... I asked again, "Will you redesign this picture to be as written by Hokusai Katsusika(葛飾北斎)?" Then below picture. I feel calm... Last time, I asked, "Will you redesign this picture to be as written by combination of Van Gogh and Hokusai Katsusika?" The result is below. I think that AI's imagination power is already above us.

Unavoidable damage

  “Unavoidable damage” There will be unavoidable damage to USA society after USA president election. What caused the division of USA society is the capitalism. I am not communist, but I know that capitalism maximized the disparities of high and low class. Maybe some of high class people in USA will escape to EU or countries where English is spoken, before or after the election. I am sad to low class in USA. However, if some of high class people in USA leave from USA, left people can get chances to move to upper class. It is natural as if company which did restructuring will revive because of lack of upper class. So that around the election, there may be some confusing in USA society, but after it, USA will revive. In addition, the enemies of USA may realize it, so they will try to confuse bigger.