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Classic framework in Japan society

Classic framework in Japan society Classic framework in Japan society Current situation After WW2, Japan has kept to apply one framework for the society. The framework is based on population increasing. Now, Japan population is decreasing, so that the politics members have to construct new framework. Thoughts Maybe, Jimin party(自民党) can’t do it. I think it’s okay because Jimin party has been chosen by Japan voters. Japan society will pay a lot of costs which has been made by classic framework. Conclusion I was graduated good high school, but I felt fear for going on to good university. Because my family was not rich, so that Japan society will cut off me just like lizard tail when Japan voters want to change classic framework. Now I feel calm because I won’t be cut off when Japan society changes.

Faster cares make economic loss cheaper

 “Faster cares make economic loss cheaper”

I read this news with happy.

China gov might realize faster cares make economic loss cheaper.

Government Bond is good.

I think that there are many ways of various bonds in digital era.

In one principle, bond is for people who has fear to lose his/her money, and stock is for people who has desire to increase his/her money.

Government Bond is intermediary between former(A) and latter(B).

Further, various types of coupons with government bonds is possible to add.

I think that houses bubble may be the problem in China, so that there may be some schemes between (A) and (B).

(A) feels fear to lose money. (B) feels desire to have house. 

How about coupons when houses price go upper, the revenue will be shared by (B) and government?

At a time, when houses price go down, (A) never lose his/her money, but (B) and/or government pay cost.

This is just one idea.

And too many bonds lead bubble.

In addition, There must be various Bonds with various coupons.

Digital yuan(Digital CNY) may enable various Bonds.


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