2024/4/27. Relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition
I know about headaches and body’s pains are signals by special abilities.
There is strong relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition.
The way how I feel pains as special abilities and analysis them is below.
Input A: Feel headache and body pains
Verbalization: Verbalize input A, then memorize it or write on memo
Input B: Observation other people’s feeling or situations
Compare: Compare Verbalized Input A and Input B
Output:Improve to recognize what my pains mean
“Compare” process needs pattern recognition skill.
Typically figure IQ test aims to measure pattern recognition skill about input from eyes.
The IQ test is only for input from eyes.
My pains are from touch sensor in my body.
Then I applied pattern recognition skill for my pains.
I don’t know how other people use own recognition skill.
But if other people notice how the pains patterns reveal, they can compare and find own special ability.
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