2024/2/5. “2” is …
I heard some business words using 2, “B2B”, “B2C”, “D2C” and so on.
In these words, “2” is important.
“2” or “to” mean as interface or channel for business.
Big companies often have many “2”.
Small companies often have a few “2”.
After I found importance of “2”, I thought about my job and hobbies.
I have been working in patent farms, and this means that I have one channel for salary.
In my hobby, I have made some apps for iPhone or Chrome extension.
This is “Apps to Customers”, maybe.
Apps to Customers…
If I want to increase customers, what should I do?
1)Make more apps.
2)Improve “to”.
These ways are essential for the purpose, but I had focused on only 1).
However, I have to do 1) and 2) in same time.
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