2023/8/19. Next relationship between Japan and China I am thinking about this news. US, Japan and South Korea agree to expand security ties at summit amid China, North Korea worries https://apnews.com/article/camp-david-summit-biden-south-korea-japan-0bc36bb3705a3dc1b69dc8cd47b35dd3 It looks that US gov treats Japan and South Korea as shields against China. This seems like a transparent strategy. I wanted US gov to notice China gov’s power and ambition. But I don’t want Japan to be a shield for USA. I am thinking about another news. China Evergrande files for bankruptcy protection in New York https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Markets/China-debt-crunch/China-Evergrande-files-for-bankruptcy-protection-in-New-York This is the way Japan had passed, so that Japan has knowledge about the bubble burst. I recommend Japan gov to help China gov with the knowledge and without money. If they do so, next relationship between Japan and China will open, and it will be be...