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Showing posts from May, 2023

Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan?

  2023/5/27.   Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? Recently, I searched about relationship between Nikkei225 and commodities. I found that copper’s price has higher relationship to Nikkei225 than Gold or Silver prices. From 2015-01-01 to 2023-05-26, relationships are  Platinum:0.171 Gold:0.736 Silver:0.745 Copper:0.787. Above is result of my codes. Honestly, I worried to open this result and codes. But I don’t have enough money to buy/sell stocks, so it is no need to worry...

HectoTimer サポートページ

 HectoTimer サポートページ HectoTimerは、8つのタイマーを備えたアプリです。 複数のタイマーを別々に動かすことができます。 Hectotimer is an app with 8 timers. You can run multiple timers separately.

BinaryTimer サポートページ

バイナリータイマーサポートページ  バイナリータイマー(BinaryTimer)は、タイマーとして、時間を赤色、分を青色、秒を黄色で表現します。 BinaryTimer displays hours in red, minutes in blue, and seconds in yellow as timer.

現場試験路盤密度 アプリサポートページ

 現場試験路盤密度 アプリサポートページ 現場試験における路盤密度を計算するツールです 路盤密度と締め固め度を計算します。 数値を入力して、「計算」ボタンをタップすると計算結果が出ます。

The end of $

  2023/5/8.     The end of $ The end of $ is coming soon. In my mind, $’s power is decreasing faster. In my brain images, ¥(JPY) & $ are losing their colors. I watched about US debt ceiling problem, and think about future. Will the debt be solved soon or 100 years later? Soon is obviously wrong , but 100 years later is absolutely wrong. 100 years later, the debt will be bigger and bigger. For the debt, USA government has to approach principal solutions, but it doesn’t nor won’t. In 20 years ago, there weren’t any alternative to $. But now, there are a lot of digital coins. So I started trading digital coins with Python. There is another problem that I am concerning, the capitalism’s system limit. Capitalism needs regularly economic depression. I imagine that older people could earn $ which would have higher value, but younger can’t. So if younger people want to be rich, there may revolution of money. It happened by Bitcoin. In my opinion, Bitcoin will be digital gold,...