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Showing posts from April, 2023


  Tokenization of Patent Right It is possible to tokenize patent rights using smart contracts, allowing for the division and sale of these rights to investors. By owning the patent rights, investors can earn revenue based on the patent. I made Smart Contract and put code on GitHub.

Collaboration with AI plus Computer(PC)

On this day, I am reflecting on the potential of collaborating with AI and PC. I have recently started using ChatGPT for my blog, and it has helped to improve my writing tremendously. It is exciting to think about the possibilities that AI presents, but it is also important to acknowledge the potential job loss that may come with it. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects of AI, I believe that developing collaboration skills with AI is crucial. Communication with AI and PC will be essential, and we must adapt to the evolving technological landscape. It is inevitable that AI and PC will surpass human intelligence, but we can work towards collaborating with them rather than being enslaved by them. I am reminded of an old story about two men and a bear in the mountains. When they encountered a bear on their journey, one man believed that they could not escape, while the other believed that he could outrun the other man and survive. This story serves as a reminder that we do not need...

Jack Poker Support Page Jack Pokerサポートページ

 トランプゲーム支援ツール「Jack Poker」サポートページ "Jack the porker"は、カードを数えるための拡張機能です。 この拡張機能は、カードをタップすることにより、カードを数えることを手助けします。 一つのカードをタップした場合、そのカードは暗くなります。 全てのカードをリセットしたい場合、"Reset"ボタンをクリックすると全てのカードが明るくなります。 カードゲームを楽しんでください! "Jack the Porker" is application for counting cards. This extension helps to count cards by tapping cards. If you tap one card, it will turn to be dark mode. If you want to reset all cards, then click "Reset" button and all cards will turn to be light mode. Enjoy your card games!