Human evaluations are difficult, because they are all opinions. Human evaluations are very difficult. Because they are all someone’s opinions. I found it. Human vertical and horizontal evaluations are all stood on someone’s opinions. So that there is no perfect evaluation. If some consultants bring to you perfect human resource evaluation, the consultants are liars.
2022/3/14. Russia under China Russia is going to be bankruptcy. Russia Asked China for Military Assistance, U.S. Officials Say Thinking about separating one country from the world economy is similar to thinking about “Four color theorem”. The world economy can be mapped with colors more than four. But if rest of world want to separate one country, is it possible or not? Russia has big GDP, 11th in 2017. But Russia doesn’t have access with many countries. This means a lot of countries doesn’t need Russia economy. In this time, “access” is border to other economies. What this means is that separating Russia from the world economy is easy to do. What similar to “Four color theorem” is that if one c...