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Showing posts from September, 2021

Bio technology

  2021/9/22.  Bio technology Japan government will target on bio technology. They opened their strategy on internet. Hmmm… I bought one kind of bio technology company’s stock. I hope its price will get higher after next prime minister will be selected.  Japan gov’s bio strategy(Written by Japanese language)

Peak at USA stock market

  2021/9/19.     Peak I am watching this news. Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ considers sale of U.S. banking arm -report This is revenge from Japan side. USA stock market looks to be in bubble, and Mitsubishi UFJ bank may think it that the bubble will hit the roof. Selling assets in USA at highest price, and buying back later, this is revenge.

Worth of Japanese Yen(JPY)

  2021/9/12.  Worth of Japanese Yen(JPY) The worth of JPY has been decreasing from around 2000 AD. Because Japan Money supply has increased as twice as around 2000 AD, but 1 gram price of gold has increased as 6 times as around 2000 AD. If worth of gold  is immutable, the worth of current JPY has 1/3 worth of 2000 AD JPY. 1/3… This is impactful value. Conversely, 1 million JPY around 2000 AD had the worth as 3 times as current 1 million JPY. Japanese Yen is decreasing worth, and is getting cheaper. I want to be happy, but only working for getting JPY seems to be not good judgement. How to earn foreign money, this is my future task.