2020/8/15. The MMT
MMT is Modern Monetary Theory, which means that Governments can print own money infinity, so they can print their bond infinity. (Of course, I don’t believe this.)
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
And I am searching about this word for silver investment.
I found one trend about MMT.
India, Tajikistan, and Syria people are more interested in MMT than Japanese.
Japan gov has huge debts, and it has printed a lot of bonds.
So I see that Japanese are interested in MMT.
But India, Tajikistan and Syria have more interested in MMT.
What does this trend mean?
I think that these 3 countries have wants to believe MMT.
It means that their gov bonds are not good condition.
Conversely, Italy may be far from gov default.
Because EU and Euro currency will protect Italy gov.