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Showing posts from July, 2020

The Information Technology

2020/7/31.  The Information Technology I found that Information Technology(IT) has various meanings. 1)Usually IT means; How I work with PC. 2)Advanced IT means; How PC works for me. The 1) means that people have to sit down in front of PC. The 2) means that PC works for people wherever he/she is. And using pc for me needs automation technology & server side technology(24/7 working technology). I am learning Automator(Apple’s app) and server side technology now. Automation and 24/7, these are keywords for IT. And they require low electric energy cost.

The Productivity

2020/7/25.  The Productivity Productivity is indicated by below formula. (Perhaps in office works only) P = ( S - C ) / T P: Productivity S: Sale C: Cost T: Time If we want to increase Productivity, we have some options. (1)Less Cost (2)More Sale (3)Less Time In Japan, low productivity is treated as the problem. The real problem is (2) or (3), I think. The information technology will solve (3), but there will be still the low productivity problem in Japan. If there is no space to increase sale, the productivity is still low. Aging society and closed culture in Japan will depress sale. The Japanese productivity will be improved once, but once. The sale won’t be more in long term view. Low productivity problem in Japan will still be there in future.

The Restart

2020/7/24.  The Restart I restart drawing paintings.

The Silver 3

2020/7/22. The Silver 3 Yeah! Silver's price will be higher. Sky is limit! Silver Rockets Higher, Gold Nears Record in Flight to Havens