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Showing posts from February, 2020

The Wild inflation

2020/2/28.  The Wild inflation The wild inflation will come to the world. It is caused by too much money finance. The emitted money goes around world, and it raise the price of materials. Rude people thought they could control prices of items, so the answer will come. The answer’s result will eat our money…

The Hacking

There are too many hackers!!! I opened their IP Addresses! And hummm. This list is interesting... Chinese and Russian hackers are many, and their target is root account... Log files are here...

The Timer with Swift

2020/2/16.  The Timer with Swift I was suffering about how to use timer with swift… import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View {          @State var count = 0          func timerStart() {         _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true , block:{             timer in self .count += 1         })     }          var body: some View {         VStack{             Button(action:{ self .timerStart()}) {             Text("Timer Start")         }         Text(String(count))     } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {     static var previews: some View {         ContentView()  ...

The Soldiers & Arm developers

2020/2/16.    The Solders & Arms developers  I am reading the one book about the dark web. There is one interesting sentence. “Technology is not neutral, it is freedom & power.” I agree with it. Then I am thinking about programming. What do I want to do by this technology? I want money. But how? There are 3 ways.(Or more) 1)Soldiers  Doing business by using the technology. 2)Arms developers  Selling tools by developing with the technology. 3)Combination  Combination of above. I prefer the 2). Being Solders is difficult for me... Trying to be soldiers is hard thing for me. Making apps may be categorized as 1). But I made AR apps for tools.  And it may be categorized as 2). Making tools, not apps which consumes user’s time for nothing, is suitable for me. I realized that I want to make some tools, not games. Games mean “The app which use other people’s time for nothing”. Games have ve...

The Emperor’s New Clothes

2020/2/10.  The Emperor’s New Clothes The emperor’s new clothes are made by the papers. The papers are USD, EURO, and JPY. Someday, people will realize about the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The problem is when people will realize, not how to stop it. And telling that "The king is naked" has no meaning. And buying real gold is good. But I don’t have much money to buy it. So I am learning the skill which brings me money.

The Rush Life

2020/2/2.   The Rush Life Recently, I feel that I want to work for my assets, not for other’s assets. It seems that making apps is good way for it. Further, having own servers is good way, too. The problem is that making apps and having servers take my private time. I am not powerful people. But I do for my life. I can give up my dreams, but my dreams can’t give up me. They wake me…

The new server

2020/2/2.  The new server! I rent new server! My programming files(not all) are put on the server! I want to open their source codes, but it seems difficult for me. My new server is for Japanese edition only. When I want to write Japanese language on the web, I will write on it. is under constructing, and I will improve it continuously! I have made Japanese iOS apps, and they needed the support pages. So I will move the apps' support pages to new server!