2020/1/26. The Gaps in Japan I watched the gaps between upper class Japanese and working class Japanese. When I was riding on metro train, there were 2 women. One woman was reading a book which was covered with bookstores’ paper. Another woman was reading a book which was labeled with public library’s symbol. Former had the bag which seemed to be highly expensive.(I don’t know the brand name.) Latter had the cheaply bag and she was wearing blue jeans. I think many Japanese people realize this gaps, but they don’t say such things. There are so many gaps between upper class and working class. And the gaps are all around us.
Hello. I am Kohei Takagi(髙木 耕平), Japanese. I want to be world advisor. “Tomorrow is better day, tomorrow will be better day. Live today hard.” I want to write what I think about the world, on this blog. Thank you for reading my blog!