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Showing posts from September, 2019

Fizz Buzz Problem by Python

2019/9/23.  Fizz Buzz Problem by Python Source codes for i in range ( 1 , 21 ) :     if i % 15 == 0:         print ( "Fizz Buzz" )         continue     if i % 3 == 0:         print ( "Fizz" )         continue     if i % 5 == 0:         print ( "Buzz" )         continue     print ( i ) This is the source code of “ Fizz Buzz Problem ” by Python. I am learning Python and I am starting to show my source codes on my blog!

The pictures

1)Red & Black 4 2)Red & Black 5

The spreading skills

2019/9/23. The spreading skills  Skills:The methods for archiving something I am thinking about skills which will spread to many peoples. Python programming language was so. What will be next? 1 ) Language Natural languages? They will be English or Chinese. 2 ) Programming  Programming languages? Python will be major language.  3 ) IQ IQ is not skill, it’s only material for skills. 4 ) Health  Keeping good health is very good skill. 5 ) Art This is the skill for archiving to express our feelings. Art seems to have good future. But how can I learn about Art? Writing poems? Painting pictures? Playing instruments is impossible for me... But art is good field in near future.

The drone

2019/9/17. The drone Trump Says Iran Appears Responsible for Saudi Attack but That He Wants to Avoid War Hummm... Where were the drones made in? I think that they were made in China. Furthermore , China and Iran have strong connections. China , North Korea and Iran...  ( And Pakistan? ) They have strong connections now. This drones ’ s attacking is on the project of WW3. I mean that if China wants to reduce USA ’ s power , China will causes some wars to the USA ’ s associates. Saudi Arabia , Japan  ( And Korea? ) and so on. This attacking may be the stimulation for calling US army to the Middle east Asia.  USA army dislikes joining double wars in same time. I don ’ t know Army strategy , but there must be certain reasons for it. China government is playing well. China government is earning the time for bei...

The government

2019/9/14. The government  Government is not our parent. And if there is someone who speaks ill of government. He/She has too much expectation to the government.  In Japan , there are too many people who believe Japan government. They are innocent. When the government won ’ t react to their requests , they get angers. Sooner or later , Japan government can ’ t react.  ( I think the time is later than 2020. ) And what should I do is protecting by myself. I am relearning English , Python & Investment. Relearning won ’ t be late. English language is defect standard for communication. It is also useful for studying programming and investment. Python is great language. The codes are very readable. I can write them in short term. It is very good advantage. Because I have full time job , so I can ’ t use much time for coding. Investment is the tool for getting money. I can ’ t live without money. Money is useful solution for living. I am aiming t...

The IQs & Senses

2019/9/11.  The IQs & Senses Recently, I am thinking about the relationship between IQ and senses... There are various kinds of IQ, but I focus on Figure IQ, Verbal IQ and Number IQ. Figure IQ:Detecting figures in blank space. Verbal IQ:Detecting words. Number IQ:Detecting numbers in blank space. And I think these IQs have relationship with human senses, eyes, ears and Smell & Touch. The picture on this article shows the relationship. Brain is in the black box. If people has strong ears, he/she will have strong figure IQ and Verbal IQ. If people has high figure IQ, he/she will have good eyes and ears. In this time, "good eyes and ears" means that people can treat the information from eyes and ears better than others. This is just my opinion. I don't know this opinion is true or not. Computer Programming needs high verbal IQ, not high figure IQ. Figure IQ is suitable for observation of natural. Number IQ is suitable for communication with other...

The “GAFA’s currency”

2019/9/6.  The “ GAFA ’ s currency ” GAFA: Google , Amazon , Facebook & Apple. GAFA are trying to make new currency. But wait , is it possible? Classic central bankers and old politicians dislike it. Because they don ’ t want to decrease their power in their hands… So how to solve it? I think that middle class currency is the answer. Middle class money means that it is between current currency ( $ , Euro or etc ) and Points which are printed by various companies. Middle class money is not exchangeable to $ , but exchangeable to various Points. So it is under $ , but upper then Points. And GAFA can control exchange-markets with own servers.  So GAFA can watch the flows of own middle class money. I make the figure about it. Object:Controller Gold:Super powers Dollar and etc:Central banks New Crept Currency & New Token:GAFA Points:Various companies Middle class money is equal to New Token in this figure.

The "Libra"

2019/9/6.  The “ Libra ” “ Libra ” is the Facebook ’ s currency. I read about the news , and researched Facebook ’ s patents in Japanese. Facebook doesn ’ t take patents about “ Libra ” in Japan patents. But I realized about Facebook ’ s principles. “ Facebook identifies people , motivates people and navigates people. ” This is Facebook ’ s principle. How to do it? “ identify ” :collect face pictures , names and personal information. “ motivate ” :analyze information , make money and networks. -> “ Libra ” “ navigate ” :use advertisement methods. “ Libra ” will be good tool for motivating people. And Facebook will become more than central banks. Because central banks can ’ t identify people.  And classic companies treat people as mass. Using Artificial Intelligence reduces a lot of steps to treat people. Facebook will be greater than central banks , if Facebook makes new currency. Facebook already identify people. ...