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Showing posts from July, 2019

The stupid

2019/7/19. The stupid  Japanese government is stupid. Japanese government focuses on South Korea. But South Korea government tries to isolate Japan from the world.    South Korea government is smarter than Japanese government. Japanese people also aim to solve problems by surface answers with great efforts. They don ’ t know how to analyze problems and solve them. South Korea government will separate Japan from the world. And it works well now. I have read that almost winners win the first step in fighting. I think it is right. So Japan will be in the trouble in near future about relationships with foreign countries. By the way , I lost my money by speculation... It ’ s too bad experience. I learned a lot of painful things...

The 3 years

2019/7/2. The 3 years  From 2016 , I have been writing this blog. Continuing it makes me better feeling. Am I changed? English writing skill helps me a lot for getting job. I am working at the patent office. And the works need English skills. Learning Swift programming may help me in the future. Or already. My Swift programming skill is still low , but I am improving it. These days , I feel that I can ’ t see the future accurately. I can only be ready for the future. Investment skills are still low. But I think that aiming to get safety makes me weaker. And previous failing is by my hopes. I hoped that I want to get safety life quickly. But life taught me it was wrong. I thought I needed quick success , but it might be wrong. Success includes processes , not only results.