2019/6/29. The modification
I can’t change the whole world, I only can change how I see the whole world.
I thought that WW3 would happen in soon.
But not yet. I don’t know WW3 never comes…
So I have to change how I see the world…
This is painful action.
But I need this action.
What I can do is modifying my plans…
Nobody is perfect.
I bought Nikkei put options.
They will be electric trash.
Knowing what I don’t know is nearly equal to modify the plan.
How I see the world may be too pessimistic.
Changing my view from negative view to positive view.
And it will be my gold experience.
In addition, I feel that many governments & politicians are too sensitive to the stock market.
There are some reasons.
Stock prices is directly connected to many people’s pensions.
The pension is directly connected to fear for many people’s retirement life.
And retirement peoples have election tickets.
So the governments & politicians have to take care for the stock markets.
But I felt that their actions for the stock markets were wrong.
The stock market must be the market.
And this my thought is wrong.
The market is bending by the power of governments.
But it is right. So I have to change my thought(“The stock market is market.”).
Market is right, my thought is wrong.
Market include bending, but market is so. This is what I noticed.
And the older countries is not to invest nor not to wait for the crush.
I wanted to get money from market crush. But it was difficult.
There are easier ways to get money. The ways are not only one or two…
I hope that I want to go to younger countries…
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