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Human evaluations are difficult, because they are all opinions.

  Human evaluations are difficult, because they are all opinions. Human evaluations are very difficult. Because they are all someone’s opinions. I found it. Human vertical and horizontal evaluations are all stood on someone’s opinions. So that there is no perfect evaluation. If some consultants bring to you perfect human resource evaluation, the consultants are liars.

The Brain

2019/6/8.  The Brain

(Just my opinion)
I am thinking about the relation ship between IQ and Brain.
In this time, IQ means reaction speed of thinking.
And reaction means below:
Input -> Calculation -> Output

I read some book about smartness.
And there is some description to be concerned about.

High IQ only means doing shortcut on thinking.
This means below:

Calculation in IQ 100(sd15) peoples brain
 Input -> Calc A -> Calc B -> Calc C -> Calc D -> Output
Calculation in IQ 130(sd15) peoples brain
 Input -> Calc A -> Calc D -> Output

IQ 130 people cut the Calc B & Calc C, so their reaction speed is higher than IQ 100 people.

And another book about Psychopath also writes about some description.

The Psychopath brain doesnt call the memory about punishment.
And Psychopath people also have low IQ.  

I have one hypothesis about psychopath.
The arrested psychopaths have low IQ, so not arrested psychopaths have high IQ.
I mean there are only 2 psychopath types, around IQ85 or around IQ115.
Because psychopaths can shortcut in brain root, so they have higher IQ.
(I dont have confidence…)

And there are bigger problems…
IQ130 people has something wrong brain roots.
High IQ people often include many psychopaths.
They have strange roots. 

IQ 130(sd15) people means they have shorter thinking roots.
And shorter thinking roots means they have strange roots from the view of IQ 100 people.
So IQ 100 people feel strange to the IQ 130 people.
This is right feeling. IQ 130 people also include people who cant call the memory about punishment.

And there is last big problem for me…

I was crazy, and I take the medicine in everyday…
Also I have high IQ. But I have weakness about calling my short term memory.

What do these facts means?
My thinking method cut the root about calling my short term memory, so that I have high IQ.
I think without calling my short term memory.

So what should I do?

I dont know whether I can do or not, but I will try to call the short term memory when I am working.


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