2019/5/12. The macOS appHow to make it by Swift language
The macOS app written by Swift language will increase in near future.
So I want to introduce my experience about “Swift2Kotlin” what I made in the past.
- Github URL
2.App view
3.Source code(View controller.swift)
// ViewController.swift
// Swift2Kotlin
// Created by 高木耕平 on 2019/01/24.
// Copyright © 2019 高木耕平. All rights reserved.
import Cocoa
import Foundation
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var swiftCode: NSScrollView!
@IBOutlet weak var kotlinCode: NSScrollView!
var kotlinCodeString: String!
@IBOutlet var swiftCode1: NSTextView!
@IBOutlet var kotlinCode1: NSTextView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
//Copyied from SwiftKotlin. From here...
@IBAction func openSwiftFile(_ sender: AnyObject) {
let oPanel: NSOpenPanel = NSOpenPanel()
oPanel.canChooseDirectories = false
oPanel.canChooseFiles = true
oPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
oPanel.allowedFileTypes = ["swift"]
oPanel.prompt = "Open"
oPanel.beginSheetModal(for: self.view.window!, completionHandler: { (button: NSApplication.ModalResponse) -> Void in
if button == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK {
let filePath = oPanel.urls.first!.path
let fileHandle = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: filePath)
if let data = fileHandle?.readDataToEndOfFile() {
self.swiftCode1.textColor = NSColor.black
self.swiftCode1.string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
//To here... Thanks for Giants.
@IBAction func format(_ sender: NSButton) {
let swiftCodeString:String = swiftCode1.string
//Simple line replacements are here.
kotlinCodeString = swiftCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "let ", with: "val ")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "print", with: "println")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "func ", with: "fun ")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "->", with: ":")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\(", with: "${")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "for i in 0..<count", with: "for (i in 0..count - 1)")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "[String]()", with: "arrayOf<String>()")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "[String: Float]()", with: "mapOf<String, Float>()")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "...", with: "..")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "..<", with: "until")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "switch ", with: "when ")
kotlinCodeString = kotlinCodeString.replacingOccurrences(of: "[", with: "arrayOf( ")
//Multiple lines replacements are here.
var sentenceFun = kotlinCodeString!
var arr:[String] = sentenceFun.components(separatedBy: "for")
var arr2:[String]
var token : String
var token2 : String
var numberFor : Int = arr.count - 1
//"for" replacement for aaa {} -> for (aaa) {}
while numberFor > 0 {
arr2 = arr[(numberFor)].components(separatedBy: "{")
token = String(arr[(numberFor)][(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: " ") ?? arr[(numberFor)].startIndex)..<(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: "{") ?? arr[(numberFor)].index(before: arr[(numberFor)].endIndex))]);
token = "for " + "(" + token + ") "
arr2.remove(at: 0)
token = token + "{" + arr2.joined(separator: "{")
arr[(numberFor)] = token
sentenceFun = arr.joined()
numberFor = numberFor - 1
//"if" replacement if aaa {} -> if (aaa) {}
arr = sentenceFun.components(separatedBy: "if")
numberFor = arr.count - 1
while numberFor > 0 {
arr2 = arr[(numberFor)].components(separatedBy: "{")
token = String(arr[(numberFor)][(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: " ") ?? arr[(numberFor)].startIndex)..<(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: "{") ?? arr[(numberFor)].index(before: arr[(numberFor)].endIndex))]);
token = "if " + "(" + token + ") "
arr2.remove(at: 0)
token = token + "{" + arr2.joined(separator: "{")
arr[(numberFor)] = token
sentenceFun = arr.joined()
numberFor = numberFor - 1
//"array" replacement [,] -> arrayOf(,)
arr = sentenceFun.components(separatedBy: "arrayOf")
numberFor = arr.count - 1
while numberFor > 0 {
token = String(arr[(numberFor)][(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: " ") ?? arr[(numberFor)].startIndex)..<(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: "]") ?? arr[(numberFor)].index(before: arr[(numberFor)].endIndex))]);
token = "arrayOf" + "(" + token + ")" + "\r"
arr[(numberFor)] = token
sentenceFun = arr.joined()
numberFor = numberFor - 1
//"switch" replacement switch aaa {} -> when (aaa) {}
arr = sentenceFun.components(separatedBy: "when")
numberFor = arr.count - 1
while numberFor > 0 {
token = String(arr[(numberFor)][(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: " ") ?? arr[(numberFor)].startIndex)..<(arr[(numberFor)].index(of: "{") ?? arr[(numberFor)].index(before: arr[(numberFor)].endIndex))]);
token = "when " + "(" + token + ") "
arr2 = arr[(numberFor)].components(separatedBy: "}")
token2 = String(arr2[0][(arr2[0].index(of: "{") ?? arr2[0].startIndex)...(arr2[0].index(of: "}") ?? arr2[0].index(before: arr2[0].endIndex))]);
token2 = token2.replacingOccurrences(of: "case", with: "in")
token2 = token2.replacingOccurrences(of: "default", with: "else")
arr2.remove(at: 0)
arr[(numberFor)] = token + token2 + "}" + arr2.joined(separator: "}")
sentenceFun = arr.joined()
numberFor = numberFor - 1
kotlinCodeString = sentenceFun
kotlinCode1.string = kotlinCodeString
@IBAction func saveTxtFile(_ sender: Any) {
//Copied from http://www.royalcrab.net/wpx/?p=6171
let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory,.userDomainMask, true)[0] as String
let fileObject = kotlinCode1.string
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
let date = formatter.string(from: Date())
let fileName = "\(date)Kotlin"
let filePath = documentsPath + "/" + fileName
do {
try fileObject.write(toFile: filePath, atomically: true,
encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.messageText = filePath
} catch {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.messageText = "Error"
(1)There is only a few blog or source for macOS app by Swift language, so it is difficult to make it.
(2)Try is more than think. So I tried.
(3)I forgot how to make “Swift2Kotlin”. I am not good at remembering…
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