Human evaluations are difficult, because they are all opinions. Human evaluations are very difficult. Because they are all someone’s opinions. I found it. Human vertical and horizontal evaluations are all stood on someone’s opinions. So that there is no perfect evaluation. If some consultants bring to you perfect human resource evaluation, the consultants are liars.
2019/5/7. The information
Personal information is just like handgun in information society.
I am thinking about the manner.
Bad manner drives out good manner, or not.
I think bad manner does.
So if the bad person uses Facebook for his wants, what does he do?
I have fear experience about facebook. The female who met in bar, searched my facebook pages.
I felt really fear about the female’s action. So I changed my personal picture to the paint what I wrote.
My teacher told to students “Don’t search normal people’s name, it’s manner.”
But not everybody knows this manner.
And, bad manner drives out good manner.
Recently, people prefer to search personal name in facebook.
I don’t like it. So I quit facebook!
In addition, I remember the story about people in stone age.
People in stone age began to use stone for fighting with elephants.
And one day, they realized that they also could kill their boss by the stone.
So their society has changed by the stone.
I think that the stone in stone age is like handgun in information age.
I remove my personal information from facebook.
I don’t want to be killed…
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