Honda decided to lose their wings, and who will catch the feathers? I felt very uncool for Honda. Honda, Nissan aim to merge by 2026 in historic pivot Both of Honda and Nissan are losing China market car shares. In Japan, there are few companies which earn foreign currency. There are 2 company types in economy. High classed pieces and Pawns. High classed pieces earn foreign currency and Pawns are domestic companies. High classed pieces in Japan are losing their powers. They have earned from USA and China markets, but Chinese companies become their rivals. This indicates that China Pawns become to win Japan high classed pieces. In fact, if Japan high classed pieces lose USA markets, Japan won’t be able to earn foreign currency so that Japan gov will start to sell foreign assets(including US gov bonds). By the way, Honda will lose their wings ...
2019/5/2. The future:When will Bank Of Japan(BOJ) give up?
BOJ is giving money to riches, its fact.
Why BOJ is giving money to riches, may be the hush money for not telling the truth. The truth is that BOJ is supporting Japan government.
There are some more reasons, but I don’t know.
Japan society has insider’s community, and I am not a member of it.
I start thinking about the future that BOJ gives up to support Japan government.
If I were the member of insider’s community, I think as below.
Almost all Japanese are fishes.
And I want all fishes by the trap.
The trap is blockade of deposit.
How to do it by smart way?
Collecting scattered money in local banks to the one central bank, YUUCHO bank.
Minus interest rates makes local banks not earning money.
It makes easy collecting money to the YUUCHO bank.
Minus interest rates->Unify local banks->Big bank collect money
->Blockade of deposit
I think this is the story by them. It’s too cheap, but may be true.
So when does the BOJ give up?
Until the trap completes.
So it takes for 5-10 years, I estimate.
By the way, I bought new URL, and I noticed this is one way by smart people’s business method, “Sell what I don’t have”. URL is nothing but virtual address.
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