2019/4/15. Japan is arming rapidly
Japan Plans to Sell Off 100 of its Homebrew F-15J Eagles to Pay for More Stealth Jets
This is why I think the WW3 is near.
Japan is arming rapidly.
What for?
Fighting by Stealth Jets means fighting not so far country.
Korea, Russia and China.
From recent history, Japan has joined only big war, WW1 and WW2.
So next is WW3.
And it seems that EU will be China side.
I don’t want EU to help China.
Because it is like suicide action for EU.
The number of world population are 7 billion.
And 20% of them are Chinese.
It means that if China country becomes top, Chinese will monopolize 80% of assets, materials & markets. It is hell. There will be no space to receive a spill of them.
I want to choose better way. USA is better than China. I know it.
I have been to China for 3 times in 10 years ago. China had big opportunity.
The top students in China were very smart and hopeful. (Unlike me…)
And Chinese got it by their hands. They did it.
They were poor, but they become rich by themselves.
I don’t hate China, but USA is better than China.
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