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Showing posts from March, 2019

Problems for improving programming skill

2019/3/30.  Problems for improving programming skill I am learning Swift & Python language. To improve my skills , it is necessary  to write the code more and more. But these days , I don ’ t have enough time to write the code.  Full time job makes it difficult. And writing the code needs much power. My each purposes for learning programming are: Swift is for iOS/macOS apps. Python is for security tools. Now Swift experience is 1 and half year. And the result is below. I think this result is not so bad. My Swift skill level is not beginner. Maybe it is low-middle or middle class. And I will learn core data , WebAPI and coreML for next subjects. Problem is that I can ’ t make my apps for the side job because it is forbidden. I care it and I will make macOS apps. And I will upload my macOS apps on GitHub. But Python language… This is not good. I can ’ t use i...

Super aggressive attacks by losing side

2019/3/27.  Super aggressive attacks by losing side America ’ s Big Advantage Over China and Russia: Demographics There will be super aggressive attacks by China & Russia if they realize that they will lose. And the super aggressive attacks will be done to Taiwan or Japan…   ( My opinion ) If there will be WW3 , which one will win , rich & busy country or poor & free one? USA seems a little buffer for WW3 , because the economy is good state. So USA people want to work for money , not for war.  However , China seems some buffer for WW3 , because there are a lot of people who can ’ t work. They will fight. I don ’ t know the answer.  Honestly , I am waiting for WW3. It ’ s a fact.  I don ’ t want to fight with others. But I realized the reason. I don ’ t want to be punished by teachers because of...


2019/3/26.  Learning Swift language again! I am learning Swift language again. In this time , I am learning to make macOS apps. I have already made macOS app “ Swift2Kotlin ” . But it ’ s not enough. I want to make better & faster. The ways I learn Swift language are: 1 ) Watching Udemy courses 2 ) Reading the books 3 ) Listning audiobook 4 ) And actually making apps  But there is a trouble. I don ’ t have any idea for apps to make. My skill is still low , so I can ’ t make complex apps. Ideas about easy apps… I don ’ t have now… By the way , I will keep learning Swift language with working full-time job. It ’ s hard & difficult. I have to spend much power & time for full-time job. The rest of time & power is smaller , but I want to use them for making iOS/macOS apps. It will be one way to get economic independent.

High IQ & Communication costs

2019/3/25.  High IQ & Communication costs High IQ people spend much power to communicate with middle IQ people. I have IQ score 124 ( sd16 ) by cattlel test. It means my IQ score is 122 ( sd15 ) . It ’ s not enough high , but may be high. And I feel that communication costs will be higher when the deference of IQ score is big.  This story is told by many people or internet. If the difference of IQ score is over 20 points ,   there is no communication. But I feel another things about the difference of IQ score. View to each IQ To High IQ  To Middle IQ To Low IQ View From High Normal Nothing or Intersting Nothing or Intersting View From Middle Fear Rival or Team Nothing or Idiot View From Low Fear or Good emotions Fear Rival or Team This table is one example. But I feel that middle IQ people fools low IQ people , and middle IQ people feel fear to high IQ people...

English vs Japanese language

2019/3/20. English vs Japanese language  Listening English is like reading Japanese , because both of them needs batch processing in brain. Batch processing in brain is sequential process.  Listening English needs serving 1 words or 1 phrase in working memory. Reading Japanese needs same things , too. And listening Japanese needs different skill , Japanese language is consisting from 1 sound , and 1 word is from some sounds.  Japanese characters has special shapes , not sounding only. Brain Process  English  Japanese  Reading  Sequence/Parallel  Batch Listening  Batch Sequence/Parallel  I prefer reading Japanese rather than listening it. It may means I am good at listening English. And learning English by Japanese is difficult by this point. Japanese people who prefer reading Japanese , also prefer reading English. And they want to study by reading English. But ...

Happy sensitivity

2019/3/16. Happy sensitivity  Happy sensitivity... If this sensitivity is low , people tends to follow visible rewards. If this sensitivity is high , people tends to feel happy everyday. I think that happy sensitivity needs 2 or more skills. the feeling skill & the linguistics skill. Former skill is for finding happy. And latter skill is for recognizing the happy things. Fulfilling the difference between the feeling skill and linguistics skill , may be studying life...

High IQ

2019/3/14. High IQ or Smart Brain I watched Japanese TV program about the male whose IQ score is 188. I feel that he couldn ’ t use his high IQ for himself. I mean that he is not selfish. This is the problem. Selfish is important to get better life.  And high IQ is just only for solving problems. If problems are visible , high IQ peoples can solve them. But if not , they pass problems. How to solve problems is important , but knowing where the problems are , is more important. Smart Brain is not equal to high IQ. High IQ is necessary rule , but not enough rule for better life.

Commuting train

2019/3/13. Commuting train It takes 1 hour to go to the office from my home. I use trains for it. And what can I do in trains? I often listen audiobooks by headphones. Listening audiobooks is great. It doesn ’ t need hands. These days , I found that the stress makes my skills higher. I started working and my skills got higher by job stresses. Right job stress is trigger to open my skills.

Good news

2019/3/10.  Good news Good news 1 Carlos Ghosn “ Celebrates ” 65th Birthday — Not In A Japanese Jail  Carlos Ghosn , the former CEO in Nissan company , was HERO in Japan. But Japanese traditional conservative revenged to him. Or I don ’ t know all the background information about this news. I hope his reputation will be recovered. Good news 2 I got job in patent office as newcomer. Writing patent is difficult for me. But I promise that I will keep working for more than 5 years. So I will try my best for working. Good news 3 The patent office is in urban Tokyo. I am enjoying Tokyo life now. It ’ s fun. Good news 4 I can keep on developing iPhone apps in private time. Previous job was so hard that I could not do anything after the work. Current job is office job , so I am not tired after work. Good news 5 I can have 3 dreams now. T...


2019/3/5. Job I started working from March 1. I hope I can continue working for more than 5 years. And I wonder that whether I can develop iPhone apps or not. Traditional Japanese company bans workers doing another works in private time. Maybe I will keep on developing iPhone apps , because it is my hobby.