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Showing posts from December, 2018

Korea is rival for Japan

2018/12/30.  Korea Korea is rival for Japan in economic trades. So that Japan has reason to suffer Korea companies , and Korea has , too. Korea companies ’ strong points are below. ( 1 ) Antitrust law not applicable to the big companies ( 2 ) Higher prices to domestic , and lower prices to overseas country ( 3 ) Samsung: Having a lot of customers ’ channels in the world ( 4 ) Strong to chemical materials:Lower price of crude oils are advantages ( 5 ) Strong to electric technology Korea ’ s strategy is “ Don ’ t focus on only domestic market ” . This is strong & important point. So if Japan wants to overcome to Korea , there are some methods. ( 1 ) Eliminate Korea from TPP forever. ( 2 ) Don ’ t make promises for current swap between Japanese Yen and Korean won. ( 3 ) Eliminate Samsung ’ s products from Japan market. I recommend Japan ’ s strategy “ Drop Korean ’ s trust and Get the Korean ’ s shares in foreign countries ” . An...


2018/12/29. Investment  I changed my investment position from strong bear to weak bear or middle. I feel panic market is over. I still have put options , because I couldn ’ t cut them as losses.  And I sold 1360 bear ETF with small profits , then bought silver ETF. Silver is poor person ’ s gold.


2018/12/28.  FRB No pains , no gain. USA will be great again. Maybe world economy is entering recession.  So stock prices are falling down. I don ’ t know how to stop falling , but “ Resilience ” is very important keyword. Resilience is the power of recovery. In economic world , it is the margin for rate cuts. USA has the margin for rate cuts about 2.5%. This 2.5% is very important reserve capacity. ( China has also has the margin for rate cuts about 4.35%… ) ( If there is no margin , the world economy ends. Because asset doesn ’ t give any profits. It means communism. ) And I feel Janet Yellen , FRB former chairman , is great person. She did very good work for resilience. This will guide USA to be great again.

Stock market

2018/12/27.  Stock market I think stock market is on the ceiling. It ’ s the highest zone. Because the volatility is too high. There is old investor ’ s saying. The bottom & ceiling has high volatility. Of course , there is possibility that Japan and USA stock market is bottom , but I feel it ’ s difficult to think so. And high volatility is killing shorter. Furthermore , Japan and USA is different , this is important. Japan is sinking , and USA may raise again. (USA stock market may sink some months or years...) I mean that Nikkei average index will sink , but Dow index may raise again. There is difference between Japan and USA… Japan will be weaker…

Citi bank(2)

2018/12/22.  Citi Bank: Caution? Risky? No… Dangerous… I am afraid about Citi bank ’ s stock price… Some insiders must know something we don ’ t know… $15 falling or 23% falling took 3 weeks… And current price is $50. This falling suggests that crash month is near… I think that 2019 February is the month or sooner than it…

Citi bank

2018/12/21.  Citi bank Is Citi bank okay? Something will happen soon… Citi bank: Stock price I am thinking why Citi bank ’ s stock price was falling at 2018/11/30… If stock price starts falling at month ending , I am thinking about capital crash.  Or some insiders knew bad news and they are selling first…

Nikkei average index

2018/12/20.  Nikkei put option: I sold it too early… I couldn ’ t stand for holding nikkei put options… Trading it is very difficult for me… I am thinking about bear ETFs to buy more or hold them strongly… I bought some 1360 Nikkei bear ETF at ¥2909. I can ’ t sell them at current price ¥3210. Nikkei average index are incredible high price by some tricks. Some stocks are raising or keeping high price by big power. I think it will be disappear soon , so Nikkei average index will be lower.


2018/12/15.  Bitcoin: Does it have real value? I haven ’ t bought bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. ( I did mining a little. ) And I feel Bitcoins doesn ’ t have own values. Of course , it has famous name & high price. Famous name is to be used , but no one can use it. So bitcoin has no meaning. And I got small angry about it. Because end buyers in stock markets bought bitcoins and lost their money. It leads not to happen last raising in stock markets. End buyers lost money by crypt currency , so that no one could buy stocks at highest price…

Nikkei options

2018/12/15. Nikkei options: I speculated... I bought Nikkei options... I decided not to speculate , but I did. I bought put options , and its price got higher , but it ’ s speculation. I am not sure when to sell it. And I bought bear ETF , too. I hope I can get some more money from them. This deal is bad for my future & experience. If I am smart , I should buy gold by all money...

Stock market : Last raising???

2018/12/12.  Nikkei average stocks prices index 日経平均株価 , m130&a= I wonder that Nikkei average stocks prices index has already peaked out. In my experience , there were twin peaks at top point. And there are 2 peaks in graphical chart. They are small, but there are... I thought that there may be last raising in stock market , but now , I think there are not. I am buying gold ETFs now.  Of course , I don ’ t have many money. But I am buying. I wanted to invest by options , but it is difficult. Because I am not sure that there will be last raising. Some famous investors expects that there are , but I doubt it… And some investors warn that now is not investing to stocks & bonds.  So if you read this blog , please take care of your those assets. The loss of chances is not real loss , I think.

Minus interest rates in Japan

2018/12/10.  Bank Of Japan: Minus interest rates ; They will keep it till ending Japan government will raise consumer taxes from 8% to 10% with some rules. My opinion I think Japan gov wants BOJ to keep on minus interest rates. Because they have huge debts. And they have to cut social fees and raise taxes. In addition , Japan gov wants to keep on low interest rates. Japanese consumers are prefer to pay by real-cash , not by credit cards. And it is the problem for Japan gov. Because if Japanese money are in their house , not in bank account , minus interest rates ’ effect will be smaller. Japan gov wants almost Japanese to shift their cash to bank account. So raising consumer taxes have payback rules that consumers pay by credit cards , not by real-cash. This payback rules will make consumers to pay by credit cards.

South Korea : This difficult neighbor country…

2018/12/8.  South Korea : This difficult neighbor country… Japanese are getting angry to South Korea. Japanese can blame South Korea , and South Koreans have been blaming Japan.  If politics want to escape from their response , they can avoid it by blaming foreign country. And South Korea ’ s politics have been doing it to Japan. Economic growth rates will slow in Japan & South Korea. Both politicians are ready for blaming each others. Maybe both of Japanese & Korean have similar DNAs… I think they ( including me… Because I am Japanese ) will hate each others harder and harder. Economy of South Korea is depending to China , and South Korea is selling semi conductors.  So if WW3 happens in USA and China , I doubt that South Korea will be supporter to USA & Japan. I have confidence that Japan & USA will be good combination , and Japan will support USA. But I can ’ t believe South Koreans ’ saying and actions. They foug...

Nissan: Revenge from Japan culture

2018/12/8.  Nissan: Revenge from Japan culture Former Nissan chairman Ghosn , CEO Saikawa signed documents related to payments: Asahi I am watching this news carefully. And there are some feelings under this trouble. The feelings are revenge : patriotism : fear = 50% : 35% : 15% Revenge is the feeling that Japanese subcontract companies & insiders in Nissan company. They are hating about CEO Ghosn because of cutting costs and abandon for promotions. Patriotism is the feeling that some want to get back Nissan car company from French company. Fear is the feeling that if president Ghosn keeps on staying as chairman , the Nissan company will be French company. And Mr.Ghosn will be prosecuted by Japan police… It will be winning for Japan police , because when Japan police prosecute , the trouble ...


2018/12/1.  World economy:Last 1 mile The stock market seems to be crash soon , but I think there is last raising. Because “ Fear & Greed Index ” is 22 now.  And there is the saying that “ Stocks climbs a wall of worry ” . So market person are worrying about crash now , and stocks will rise at last time. It's time for a hyper-crash , say multifractal analyses of the main stock market index Fear & Greed Index I am worrying about another things. I don ’ t know how to get money from my expect… I can invest NIKKEI option or gold/silver ETF.  Investment to NIKKEI option is very difficult & high risky , but the earning is very big. Gold/silver investment is good and safety. It ’ s easy buying & waiting. I remember that George Soros ’ saying… If you are enjoying investment , it takes money. I ...