Human evaluations are difficult, because they are all opinions. Human evaluations are very difficult. Because they are all someone’s opinions. I found it. Human vertical and horizontal evaluations are all stood on someone’s opinions. So that there is no perfect evaluation. If some consultants bring to you perfect human resource evaluation, the consultants are liars.
2018/10/8. vs China: Solar Power Energy; BIG illusion
My opinions about solar power energy are below.
(1)Solar Power Energy is not worth economic.
(2)High efficiency solar panel is BIG illusion.
(3)Only China companies earn money from other governments’ money.
(1)Solar Power Energy is not worth economic.
Solar power energy can’t continue without government’s assistance payment.
Of course, other energy also need that money, but solar power energy only generate low voltage energy and high costs.
(2)High efficiency solar panel is BIG illusion.
I know high efficiency solar panel is big illusion.
The voltage is limited from solar light, this is from physical principles.
So if we need high voltage energy, the panel have to be connected in parallels.
This causes energy loss.
And how about high efficiency solar panels?
There are high efficiency solar panels, but the number of high efficiency is under 20% from solar light. And if the system improve to collect light for stronger light, the more thermal is collected, and the thermal causes the energy loss.
(3)Only China companies earn money from other governments’ money.
How to earn money from solar power energy?
There are 2 ways.
Selling solar electric power and selling solar energy panels.
Selling solar electric power is standing on government’s assistance payments.
This is direct money. And many companies aim to get the money & another money selling electric power.
How about selling solar energy panels?
There are a lot of solar energy panels makers, but almost big companies are China makers. This is one method stealing foreign governments’ money.
Solar energy systems need big initial costs, and almost panels are made in China…
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