2018/7/27. University education: There are some future problems…
Recently, I am learning English & programming by Udemy, online education system.
Not in courge… And not by professors.
No matter which Udemy’s teachers have Dr. or not, the reputation by customers are decided.
Online education kills university systems, I think.
University systems cost a lot of money, the salary for teachers, assistants, and professers.
In addition, the research equipments are expensive.
So students pay expensive fee for them by education loans.
University has 2 or more functions, education and research.
But online education takes place in former function.
And university education costs cheap, but it is paid a lot, I mean it is CASH COW for university.
If university loses their cash cow, what is left in it?
High salary and pension.
Now university has brand names, but those values are bubble.
The values will falls sooner or later…
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