2018/6/11. World stock market: Searching trigger; I am pessimistic to future...
I feel that world stock market is searching bear’s claws. Just I feel, and I am pessimistic to future, now.
Market tries to find next trigger for collapse, but doesn’t decide now. So stock market is in box zone and raises a little.
I think bear’s claw in this time, is from EU.
EU has contradiction between weak countries and strong countries with common currency.
Box zone saves bear’s power. If it keeps longer, the power is bigger.
Every economists know bubble ends in near future, but don’t know accurate dates.
Stocks, real estates, bonds & materials.
Bonds bubble, next stocks & real estates bubbles, and recently materials’ prices start higher. So bonds bubble ends in near future. When it starts... I don’t have any ideas... Or bubble may ends when early adopters escapes just like bitcoin.
(I thought that this finance bubble will end
after BOJ changes minus interest rates.
Minus interest rates covers the weakness of Japanese companies. This is obviously.
If borrowing costs is lower, the company will be stronger. And Japanese companies can borrow money by lower rates than other countries’ companies. It covers weakness of Japanese companies.)
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