2018/6/13. Loan is drug
Loan Is drug.
Drug is used for ill, and for pleasure of the moment.
Loan is used for ill of money, and for pleasure of the moment.
Loan avoid facing financial problem with pleasure of the moment.
Drug is used for escaping hard pain in a moment.
I think about home loan, student loan and car loan.
People usually borrow money for home, education and car.
But is it really right? Of course, I couldn’t buy education or car without loans.
Drugs(=Loans) saved me, but I don’t want to buy home by loan.
Because this drug (=home loan) will kill my life.
In Japan, there is the myth that home is asset, so borrow money, buy home and return debts for 20-30 years.
I don’t believe this myth. This myth will kill a lot of workers, because Japanese interest rates will get higher when the government bankrupts.
Or before the government bankrupts, the taxes will get higher and the salary will be down.
Loan is drug, which saves or kills my life. I don’t want loan any more.
So not to be killed by loan, I try to face my life sincerely.
#This is just my opinion.
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