Honda decided to lose their wings, and who will catch the feathers? I felt very uncool for Honda. Honda, Nissan aim to merge by 2026 in historic pivot Both of Honda and Nissan are losing China market car shares. In Japan, there are few companies which earn foreign currency. There are 2 company types in economy. High classed pieces and Pawns. High classed pieces earn foreign currency and Pawns are domestic companies. High classed pieces in Japan are losing their powers. They have earned from USA and China markets, but Chinese companies become their rivals. This indicates that China Pawns become to win Japan high classed pieces. In fact, if Japan high classed pieces lose USA markets, Japan won’t be able to earn foreign currency so that Japan gov will start to sell foreign assets(including US gov bonds). By the way, Honda will lose their wings ...
2018/5/3. North Korea’s saying & action
4 things to remember about the North Korea talks
North Korea left from NPT(Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) in 1993 and 2003.
Is this time different from past? It’s difficult to think so.
1993 was the first year of USA president Bill Clinton, and 2003 was first year of second term of USA president Barack Obama.
When USA president from Democrat party starts, the first year or second term’s first year is time to change leaving from NPT for North Korea.
I think that North Korea and USA will reach to the agreement in this time. (70%, I think.)
But in the future, North Korea will break it.
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