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Showing posts from May, 2018

AI never be my god

2018/5/30. AI never be my god... I feel that AI never be my god. I mean that AI never be perfect method for my happiness. I learned a few about AI , and I feel so.  But learning machine language ( i.e. Swift ) will be gold wing to be success. People who worry about future , have to learn machine language. Learning Swift is less costly than learning Chinese , Russian or Arabic languages. And rewards from Swift is more than learning them.  Learning Cost/Reward is important. #I am waiting Apple review for my first app... I hope it will be accepted...

World economy: Some signals

2018/5/29. World economy: Some signals about disaster , but not enough... There are some signals about economic disaster , world real estate , USA subprime car loans and government bonds in EU. 1 ) World real estates Some big Japanese companies started to buy foreign real estates. They know the price is high. 2 ) USA subprime car loans This type of loans are hit by interest rates hiking directly. 3 ) Italy government bonds  There are problems about government ’ s huge debt. I focus on Japanese companies ’ action. Because Japanese interest rates is lowest in the world for long term.  I think it causes the delay for catching up to World movements. ( I cannot explain this phenomenon well. )   Slow action causes lowest interest rates or lowest interest rates causes slower action , I don ’ t know which is right. But this delay is critical  to be end buyers. ( End buyers:People who buy things at highest prices. Losers in market. ) ...


2018/5/28. Rejected... My app “ Word on AR World ” was rejected. Okay , I will retry after iOS 11.4 is released. And I realize that AR app has good combination with movies.  AR tool apps which is useful for YouTuber , I will make them! I am making next new AR app , now!


2018/5/26. Next Monday?!  Maybe iOS 11.4 will be published on next Monday. I will try to publish my app.  I am afraid of rejection by Apple... There is survey...  This is first(?) time for me. Maybe my app has unfounded bags , but I don ’ t give up. Bags can be fixed by update , but challenge can ’ t be archived by escaping.

Waiting, iOS11.4 ...

2018/5/25.  iOS 11.4, I wait for it... My app is for iOS11.4, I don't know why. Maybe because I used Xcode beta... So I wait for iOS11.4... When does it come? And I want to add camera button for it, but it is difficult for me... # I was in trouble about money, but it will be solved soon. Money is the seed for happy or unhappy.

Word On AR World: Support Page

#iOS 11.4 is needed for using this app! 1) Introduction Here is iPhone App "Word On AR World" support page. This app allows you to picture English 3 words on AR World. 2) How to use If you enter words in 3 text fields, and then push "Go" button. Please allow this app to use camera. 3) On AR World This is the screenshot of the result. If you want to save the photo, please take photo by "Photo" button. And when you tap "Back" button, you can go back to primary screen.

Japanese culture...

2018/5/22.  Japanese culture… Dangerous plays by Nihon University defender rock college football I watched this news with heavy headache… This news showed me Japanese culture ’ s dark side… Nihon university is very average in Japanese , and average people have been doing such thing when their boss orders it. I think this is problem of culture , I mean that boss ’ s order is indulgence for bad/dirty things. ( Indulgence: the right for forgiveness )  Boss ’ s order is not absolute order , but in the Japan culture , it becomes so , easily.

Trying to change my app

2018/5/22. Trying to change my app  It ’ s waste of time for waiting iOS upgrade. So I try to change my app. Now , my AR app has only 1 text field. But how about having 3 text fields? And app can make 3 AR words. Of course , users don ’ t have to fill all text fields. They can write 3 words on the air. #I think this is good idea.


2018/5/20.  Original App… My app “ Word on AR World ” is rejected for some reasons… Maybe , publishing will be 2018 June…  

I did it!

I can delete "Optional" now! Yeah!


2018/5/15.  Where  this word “ optional ” comes from?   I am making original app… And I did free text to be AR text… But where this “ optional ” comes from? Haaaa….

Making original app

2018/5/15. Making original app... Too hard! I am making AR app , HAIKU de AR... I want to display users ’ HAIKU ( Japanese poems ) on AR world. I don ’ t know how my app can receive the text field to next AR display... Haaa... I am in this trouble for some hours...


2018/5/12. Programming  Learning Swift doesn ’ t solve my problems , only hides them.  One side , it ’ s true. The other side , it ’ s not true. Learning some skills doesn ’ t solve my problems. But learning how programming works , may help my life ’ s problems. I noticed that I hadn ’ t know things have mechanisms under it , not only things , but people. I often see only surface of things or people. I didn ’ t do deep thinking. I only did fast , quick & thin thinking.  For studying till high school , it worked for advantage. But for academic study or company ’ s working , it ’ s not useful. Thinking quickly is often useful for short term goals , tactics. But thinking deeply is better for long term goals , strategy.  And life is long , deep thinking is vital. Thinking about mechanism or principles is different from coping skills.  On the Swift learning , coping other people ’ s skills or source codes is very eas...


2018/5/12. Concentration for programming  200 hours or more , it is time to make original app. I have learned Swift for 120-140 hours , and maybe more than 50 hours is needed for original app , I estimated. And concentrating for programming is important now.  AR technology is vey interesting for me , but now I cannot use Xcode by limiting of free software. Xcode limits 10 apps for 1 week. I didn ’ t know it , so I have to join in developers program. Apple company... Apple company is good at business.

AR photo by iPhone Swift programming

2018/5/10. AR photo by iPhone Swift  I make some basic AR App. Apple developers , I will try to be.

ARKit: Swift programming

2018/5/9. ARKit: Swift programming  I am learning about ARKit by Swift programming on online movies. I am very moved to AR ( Augmented Reality ) technology. This is what I want! This technology can be used a lot of scenes. I coded some basic samples. I want to learn more! And the online movies has machine learning. I want to learn about AI , too!


2018/5/8.   Taipei: Very sensitive for All Chinese USA president Trump touches Chinese Taipei problem. But I think it is very deep & sensitive for all Chinese. The Chinese person who I know that she is very kind to me , tells Taipei is the most sensitive matter for them. So touching Taipei problem is like kicking the lion ’ s tail… Very dangerous...

High range IQ test

2018/5/5.  High range IQ test… I took the high range IQ test , Free fall by Dr.Ivan Ivec , and it is bad score. Language test: 6/15 ( IQ134 ) Numbers test: 5/15 ( IQ130 ) I wanted better scores… I estimated that I could get language test 10/15 & numbers test 8/15. I think that too much relax mode makes people lower IQ score. People scores high IQ when they are in troubles or stresses…

World Economy: 2007 & 2018

Japanese economy at 2007 and 2018 are very similar.  There are 3 points to be thought as so. 1)Bank Of Japan(BOJ) wants to stop monetary easing. 2)Some economic bubbles happens in Japan by excess money. 3)Politics & Society don’t change anything from 2007 to 2018. 1)BOJ BOJ wanted to stop monetary easing at 2007. After stop, the subprime loan was crashed. Low interest money flew to the USA, and when the flow stopped, the highest interest rates loan was crashed by stopping credit bubble. Now, the lowest interest rate money is flowing to USA from Japan. (Mizuho Targets Lower-Rated Firms in U.S. Investment Banking Push:Japan edition ) 2)Bubbles At 2007, some college students earned by stock bubble.  At 2018, some young people earned by crypto currency.  This type of new riches are orthodox before bubbles ends. 3)Politics & Society Politics & Society are stil...

North Korea’s saying & action

2018/5/3. North Korea ’ s saying & action  4 things to remember about the North Korea talks North Korea left from NPT ( Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ) in 1993 and 2003.  Is this time different from past? It ’ s difficult to think so.  1993 was the first year of USA president Bill Clinton , and 2003 was first year of second term of USA president Barack Obama.  When USA president from Democrat party starts , the first year or second term ’ s first year is time to change leaving from NPT for North Korea. I think that North Korea and USA will reach to the agreement in this time. ( 70% , I think. ) But in the future , North Korea will break it.

Market: Reading Jim Rogers’ blog

2018/5/2. Market: Reading Jim Rogers ’ blog Stock Market: The Decline Will Resume Later In The Year #Just my opinion after reading Jim Rogers ’ blog. 2018 July will be top point in stock market. Until 2018 July , squeeze of selling stocks will happen. So selling stocks by short is dangerous until 2018 July. Buying back selling stocks is the method for middle class traders. Before declining stocks market , the market drains middle class traders ’ money. I researched SONY company ’ s performance. And these days ’ Economy situation is similar in 10 years ago.

No Apple shock

2018/5/2. No Apple shock  I was wrong. Sorry... Apple Q2 2018 Earnings and Conference Call -- Live Blog Apple company is strong. Recently I was too pessimistic...

North Korea

2018/5/1. North Korea  #Just my opinion  Pressures by USA & other countries , are very strong. Now , North Korea really wants to stop pressuring. Until North Korea & China meeting , Russia ’ s affection is very strong , especially at nuclear weapons development. And after nuclear weapons development ended , North Korea turned to China. And then , North Korea turns to USA. What ’ s the meaning of these actions? The importance for North Korea may be below... Russia >China >USA  Or Russia >=China >USA  And Russia:Weapons development & manufacturing  China:Weapons bank & selling USA:Money & Food  China ( government )’ s roles may be North Korea ’ s Weapons bank & selling them. Now North Korea can make nuclear weapons & ICBM. But how to change them to the money? There is need to some countries helping. And why Chinese government ’ s top gave a lot of presents for North Korea. I think th...