2018/1/4. Words skills
I joined in Japan Mensa, and I feel IQ is important meaning for life. People who have high IQ, tend to have something special abilities. But if there isn’t the explaining ability in them, they cannot tell their special abilities. So words skills (In other words, Communication skill) are important.
Perhaps, words skills are connected with reputation, and some says “Reputation is all”. So words skills may be all.
(My opinion)
Words skill are divided by 3 kinds, society words, machine words & science words.
Society words: To the human communications, we use English or Japanese language, or some other languages. If the people has highest English skill, he/she can earn money by this skill.
Machine words: This skill is for programming. Knowing programming words may(I think must) be essential skill for success.
Science words:This skill is knowing mathematics, physics or some other sciences’ words with understanding.
These 3 skills, I think them as very important, may not be noticed by many people. So now is big chance to learning them.
My skills:
Society’s words;Japanese & English.
Machine’s words:Swift (Beginning).
Science’s words:Chemistry & Asphalt pavement.
I wish to improve my machine word’s skill!
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