2018/1/29. Our thinkings:Made from informations around us.
We are made from what we have eaten, so our thinkings are made from what we have inputted, right? I think it’s right.
Changing the way we think is difficult, changing the way we do is easy, it is said.
And how to change our thinking is relying on the information we input.
These days, I try to read English blog(Medium) & books(Swift programming & investment), and this action is the seed for the future of my life.
The seed will grow up in 3 months later, because it takes a little long terms.
Now I am reading the book “A gift to my children” by Jim Rogers. He is one of greatest investors in the world. I have read his books in Japanese edition.
In the book, deciding what is important for me & what I want to do, is made by myself.
I sometimes think what is important for my life & what I want to do in my life, and what isn’t important & what I don’t want to do. I think the latter is more important for me. Maybe my thinking has problem in this point. Focusing on what isn’t important & what I don’t want to do, is negative thinking.
I try to focus on what is important things for me & what I want to do.
And what I want to do... this is missing...
Growing up is not correct, being rich is not collect... but skills wherever I can live are what I want. Maybe skills for surviving is important for my life...
By deeper thinking, I couldn’t relax from my heart. I am always afraid of something or someone... This is my problem...
#This article is just diary...
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