2017/11/4 Too much is as same as too little.
I think that recent economy is too hot, and it seems some bubbles.
What causes it? It’s GREED from human minds.
And “Too much is as same as too little”, this is famous words in old Japanese.
Greed causes the desire for too much money.
Greed people will lose their money by next something shock.
In addition, education loan will be bigger problems for developed countries. The systems in developed countries, forces young people to work.
(I feel sad in this system.)
Education loan, car loan & home loan…
These are hard chains for the workers to keep on working. These hard chains will suffer many people.
And increasing banking rates makes the chains harder.
Do workers have to work only for loans?
No. But systems in the society want to force it.
Workers start from education loan, and next they will buy car and house for their family by loans.
Systems force workers to buy cars and houses by AD.
Working for loans is tragedy, but real story, and their children work for loans in next generation.
I am not communist, but I think there may be better life. And the prices of education, cars & house is too high, this is real problem. Education, cars & house is necessary for life, not for the hard chains.
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