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Showing posts from October, 2017

Limit of government debts

2017/10/30. Limit of government debts I am thinking about current Japanese government debts , how much the limit is... If tax income is house income , all government assets is assets for house , how much does the current Japanese government rent the money?  I thought that ( 3-5 times to tax income + assets ) is limit.  Tax income per year=50@2012 Government assets =647@2012 Government debts =1020 @2012 Already limit is over , so my thought is doubtful. What ’ s wrong? The reason of 3-5 times to tax income is the limit of buying real estate. But this reason is something wrong. Are there any other signals for deciding debts limit? Bankruptcy signals in Japan is being able to return debts for 3 years or not. And the banking rates is 15%. So if banking rates is 1-2% , the limit will be higher. 20-40 times to tax incomes may be right for decisions the limit of government debts. If ( 20-40 times to tax income + assets ) is limit , the limit o...

High tax and poor welfare, and huge debts

2017/10/30. Thinking about population decreasing in Japan: High tax and poor welfare , and huge debts... I haven ’ t heard there is debts which doesn ’ t have to be returned. I think there will be 3 steps for Japan future.  1.Raising consumer tax till limit  2.Cutting welfare till limit  3.Pretending to return debts till bankruptcy  First point is population decreasing. This causes increasing the debts per 1 Japanese.  If population decrease 5% , the debts per 1 person will increase over 5%.  When the Japanese government does bankruptcy is next point.  I think that the bankruptcy is after 2020 Tokyo Olympic. But I don ’ t know when that will happen.

P2P type currency

2017/10/28. Peer to peer type currency ( P2P ) P2P type currency is reborn in 21st centuries. This type doesn ’ t need central banks. P2P type currency is standing on the Internet , which is currently infrastructure. P2P type currency will be enemies for classic banks , but effective for economy.  Because economy is not GDP on dollars , economy is human beings , not for manuals nor text books. P2P type currency will accelerate new technology rapidly. P2P currency easily be collected to the innovators by low fee. Using P2P type currency will connect innovations & investors directly. And bitcoin is just like the stock which doesn ’ t give dividend now. It may be old Microsoft stock , or may be the bankruptcy stock. I don ’ t know which is right. Now it is increasing by splitting. Cryptic is not main role , P2P type is main role.

Will of something which is called “World Order “

2017/10/28. Will of something which is called “ World Order “ ( Just my opinion ) If there is “ World Order ”, it may be only will by the persons who dislike new technology or new information. I mean that this will is only the integration of feelings which deny something new. This will is alike to fear for new things. Science can ’ t proof everything what is happening in this world , science is only method of research. And I think that “ World Order ” is will what is something that can ’ t be proofed by science.  #I am not much interested in “ World Order ” .

After Japan election: Feedback!

2017/10/23. After Japan election: Feedback! My expectations for the result of next election: LDP only : Hope party : Others= 6:3:1 or 5.5:3:1.5  LDP will get seats over the half. Hope party will be 2nd party. Others parties will lose their seats. Feedback of my expectations: LDP only : Hope party : Others = 6:1:3 ( Approximately ) Hope party lost this election , this is my mistake. I thought that Koike Yuriko would do more for the election. LDP won this election , congratulations! And it seems that Japan needs the party which is little left of center. This is important...

“Bitcoins shock”

2017/10/22. “ Bitcoins shock ”, this is the name , next “ Lehman shock ” Additional opinion about bitcoins , the bubble of bitcoins will end , maybe it will be named as “ Bitcoins shock ” . Bitcoins shock will end with stock markets crushing. And next Lehman shock will be bitcoins shock. #Now bitcoins attract a lot of speculative people , this is greed , and I don ’ t dislike them...

Signals from bitcoins

2017/10/21. Bitcoins will be signal of stocks markets... Warren Buffett “ I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy. ” I think that one day in near future , the bitcoins ’ bubble will be crushed , at the same time , stock markets will be crushed , this is only my opinion... Current stock markets ’ bubble will be crushed with bitcoins. And it seems that the greedy speculators are going to buy bitcoins , this is what we have to be fearful to it because of Buffet ’ s words. Obviously , bitcoins markets are bubble , it may get higher or not , but greedy people will try to buy bitcoins , this is fearful phenomenon for me.

Mirror emotions 2

2017/10/21. Mirror emotions ( Emotionics ) ( incomplete theme ) There are one person figure & one box enough to enter the figure , on the wooden chair. One person figure means that integrating with emotions. And one box , which is labeled as emotions , means that watching the emotions from outside. We enter in the figure or watch the box from outside , in every time. And the box has filters & mirrors in it. Filters can delete what we don ’ t like. Mirrors can reflect others ’ emotion in the box. ( The people who is called psychopath , may not have this mirror in their box. ) We can reflect others ’ feelings in our box by the filters & mirrors. What is the compositions of the mirrors? Experience , culture , habits , customs , sex , age , school , or IQ. There are a lot of factors. And I think this mirrors has special ability. The ability is that mirrors only reflect who are interested to you or who you are interested to , if filte...

Mirror emotions

2017/10/21. “ Words & Pictures ” and “ Emotions ” on communication  ( Words & Pictures are clarity tools for communication , but sometimes are faked. Emotions are center of our inner world , and using Words & Pictures for emotions is sharing emotions. These days , sharing emotions is popular communication method , just like Facebook ’ s “ Good! ” And numbers of “ Good ” means the popularity of the person.  So that this phenomenon makes people suffering , “ Good! addiction ” .  As information technology is spread , classic mass media lose their power. Because they had power of selection what to sell , and what not to sell. So I think that only replacement is happening by information technology from classic company to new company. ) Can “ Words & Pictures ” communicate emotions very well? There is the limit of sharing emotions by Words & Pictures. This limit is because of not enough technic of Words & Pictures or no...

One opinion:GDP growth

2017/10/20. One opinion:GDP growth doesn ’ t mean wage increase nor price rise. From GDP calculation formula , there are 4 patterns of GDP movement. Cash flow  Higher speed Lower speed  Bigger  GDP increase Zero Smaller  Zero GDP decrease  This matrix may be too simple to explain GDP & cash flow... But cash flow has enough higher speed & bigger , GDP will be increased. In Japan , I think that cash flow gets smaller , but higher speed by finance. This is just effect of stimulate by low interest rates money. In fact , the cash flow gets smaller , this is problem , not speed. If cash flow gets smaller , what does it mean? I think that the company or country economy will be ending. So why GDP growth doesn ’ t mean wage increase nor price rise is that the economy is ending , and we cannot stop the ending by stimulate.  In addition , I think that lower interest rates by Japan...

Price is high, not quality! Oops, pride is too high...

2017/10/18. Price is high , not quality! Oops , pride is too high... EU Air Safety Body Urges Halt on Use of Kobe Steel Products This is too problem! Japanese manufacturing quality is lower than past , and a lot of Japanese don ’ t realize it. They believe that Japanese manufacturing quality is too high and price is high.  When I talked with one Chinese , we confirmed that Japanese manufacturing , only price is high. Unfortunately , this is not joke. What by? I think that cutting cost is surface problem , in deeper problem , Japanese companies ’ system is too classic , and in more deep problems , there is the limits of mind & brain , which don ’ t accept new business & technology. I mean that almost all Japanese can ’ t accept new ( information ) technology because they get old. People who is old easily deny new things. ( Not a...

Who’s world?

2017/10/17. Who ’ s world? I feel very sad about this news... Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist There may be world order , or may not be. If courage people find truth and appeal it , the world will attack the person. I know it sincerely... I sometimes feel bad about this truth... World order may dislike information technology , so they try to control new information technology companies. What I can do is ignoring the existence of world order , or helping the world order. If I were enough smart , I would help the world order...

Lifestyle & Money

2017/10/15. Lifestyle & Money There are 2 patterns for households , high fixed fee or low fixed fee. High fixed fee means that the fixed fee ’ s proportion of household is high. Fixed fee means that fee must be paid each month. If we are in high fixed fee ’ lifestyle , the theory will be reducing fixed fee or raising income. Reducing fixed fee is difficult and limited effect , so focusing on raising income is more effective. Raising income seems very difficult , but there are a lot of ways , but I think starting new business is not good for it. Because starting new business doesn ’ t connect to raise income directly , and it ’ s risky. I want to raise income by investment. And recently , I learned about possibility. If I can invest only $1000 , it indicates my capacity , and if I want to invest more , it will cause me hard pressure. Possibility is important , for not being stressful.

Tokyo real estates markets: Tricky Advertising

2017/10/15. Tokyo real estates markets: When is it crushing? And is it revived? Tokyo real estates markets seems quietly.  And tricky AD of real estate investment is influenced by Yahoo! Japan. This AD targets the women who are rich , single and over 35 years old. This AD indicates that the market seek end buyers of Tokyo real estates. I keep on watching Tokyo real estates markets because the methods are very funny.

Telling lies, it’s bad habit...

2017/10/14. Telling lies , it ’ s bad habit... I watched the USA TV “ Suits ” season 5 , and I rethink about telling lies . This is  bad habit... I sometimes tell lies in weak or bad  conditions. And I also tell lies in specific fields , for example , love experience and family line. I don ’ t have so many love experiences , but I modify them more...  This is bad habits!  And I also tell lie in family line. I heard that I am not pure Japanese , my grandfather ’ s grandmother was Russian. But when my grandfather told this story , he was drinking liquor too much. So I don ’ t know there was Russian in my family line , but I sometimes tell that I am not pure Japanese , little Russian. I tell it that 15/16 is Japanese , and 1/16 is Russian... I sometimes feel regret about these 2 lies. And this is because of my weakness & my narcissism... These 2 factors are very big problems for my life...

Lie and Dream (Diary)

2017/10/14. Love the way you lie , what the difference between lie and dream? ( Diary ) I like “ Love the way you lie ” by Rihana with Eminem. This song makes me feeling very kind. I was taught that “ Lie is bad thing ” .  But lie and dream , what the difference between them? Or perhaps they are same , and is dream bad thing? If focusing on possibility , they may be defined clearly. But is it meaningful? I think lie and dream is same , and bad lie is nightmare , good lie is nice dream. Liar is bad person , dreamer is good person. This opinion isn ’ t fact for me. Dreamer who makes a lot of person dreaming , suddenly turn to be liar , just like Nazis. ( Of course , I hate genocide. ) Justice may be at middle point between lie and dream.  And also , now is at middle point of past and future. I think that action at now is to be thought that it is above justice in past & future... # I write this blog for me & readers. Perhaps t...