2017/9/27. Bad money drives out good coins , how about in business? Bad money drives out good coins , this saying can be applied for many kinds of situations. ( Maybe , in other words , quantity wins to the quality. ) Bad business method drive out good company. In near future , we clearly realize this fact. China and Korea companies are giving bribes to high classes of Asian governments. And this phenomenon will be spread to all over the world , or already. Do clean business people have to get angry? I don ’ t think so. I think this method ( Bribes ) will be major method , not official. Because Chinese economy will be stronger. It doesn ’ t stop. So if we want to do clean business , we have to know the clean method is already too old.
Hello. I am Kohei Takagi(髙木 耕平), Japanese. I want to be world advisor. “Tomorrow is better day, tomorrow will be better day. Live today hard.” I want to write what I think about the world, on this blog. Thank you for reading my blog!