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Showing posts from September, 2017

Bribes,(dirty) method will be spread

2017/9/27. Bad money drives out good coins , how about in business? Bad money drives out good coins , this saying can be applied for many kinds of situations. ( Maybe , in other words , quantity wins to the quality. ) Bad business method drive out good company. In near future , we clearly realize this fact. China and Korea companies are giving bribes to high classes of Asian governments. And this phenomenon will be spread to all over the world , or already. Do clean business people have to get angry? I don ’ t think so. I think this method ( Bribes ) will be major method , not official. Because Chinese economy will be stronger. It doesn ’ t stop.  So if we want to do clean business , we have to know the clean method is already too old.

Japan politics: Being 2 parties

2017/9/27. Japan politics: Being 2 parties  Koike Yuriko , who is top of Tokyo government , seems not having enough ready for next election of House of Representatives. She is in hurry for it now. She is making new party Hope party. And this is good attack by Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) . LDP seems not watching out other parties except for Koike Yuriko. Maybe LDP knows that Japanese become more conservative than past. LDP & Hope party will be big 2 parties after election. In next election , the point is what KOUMEI party will do after election. Helping LDP or Hope party or being 3rd party is important. My expectations for the result of next election:  LDP only : Hope party : Others= 6:3:1 or 5.5:3:1.5  LDP will get seats over the half. Hope party will be 2nd party. Others parties will lose their seats.

Desire for money

2017/9/27. Desire for money ( vs Need for money ) Some people aim to get money from who has much desire for money. It ’ s easy to blame them , but it ’ s more important to understand own desire for money. Too much desire for money is made by information around us. Our desire includes the result of acquired learning. Acquired learning is done by the people & information around us. Technic to earn money is essential for life. And the reason to earn money , we sometimes forget it.

North Korea War between October 22 and Christmas

2017/9/26. Japan , being ready for war with North Korea now Japan politics , House of Representatives will do their election at October 22. This indicates that the top of Japan government think the war with North Korea will not be happened till October 22. And when do USA and Japan attack North Korea? The answer is between October 22 and December 25. Former is by that election , latter is by the words that USA president told “ Till Christmas ” . The time limit for North Korea is a little.

Best seller book “7 habits” already wrote...

2017/9/25. Lose-Win relationship is difficult , but “ 7 habits “ told it so! ( Just diary ) I have been keeping the relationship at works as if it is lose-win , or lose-lose. Lose-Win relationship: I am loser and the other is winner on the relationship. Lose-Lose relationship: I and the other are loser , and doing spiteful things to each other. I analyze myself that I easily feel that I am loser because of high pride. And this high pride makes the relationship to the others as lose-win or lose-lose. I want to change myself or environment... #I start updating my Twitter on this blog for web version! Right side!

Japan may control USA president

2017/9/24. Honestly , Japan may control USA to fight for North Korea... North Korea is developing the ICBM & Nuclear weapons. Of course , this is threat for USA , but honestly Japanese feel more threat than US Americans feel. Threat of North Korea is real for Japan , not for USA. Why Japanese prime minister Abe Shinzo tells the pressure for North Korea may be because he wants to break the power of North Korean in Japan. The power of Korean in Japan may be big & they have dirty money & power. So Japanese prime minister Abe Shinzo may be fighting for it. It ’ s not bad thing. But for Americans , is it good? I wonder that there is NOT enough reason attacking North Korea by USA. I don ’ t want US Americans to be dead for North Korea. I believe that Abe did and is doing good for pure Japanese , but controlling USA is not good , I think. So I think that using USA power for breaking the power of Korean in Japan is best method. Telling the truth for USA is...

Brain doors

Effort to be free thinking  Unlock the door what is made by thinking. Brain doors We always think in our brains , and those words have been making the doors. The doors become so heavy , but not visible. Almost all people realize the existence of the doors and do nothing for it. Thinking makes the doors. Function of brain doors  Brain doors give us safety because they protect from enemy ’ s words. The doors act like protection systems in our thought. When the doors are knocked hardly , we feel fear and anger. Rejection systems call alerts. So we prefer to input information from the people whose brain doors are alike to us. Demerit of brain doors  If we keep on closing brain doors , we will be captured and controlled by big power. Because information , what is sent by big power through media or internet , is a lot. And if there are a lot of brain doors , we stop thinking and become to react like dolls. The doors become heavy. How to ope...

Short story of Free cell (Card game in windows OS)

When I was 17 years old, I played Free cell many times, and I had the belief that I was strongest. I started to play online Free cell with foreign players. I won the games for many times, but the belief was broken. One past day, I have met 3 strong foreign players online, Dutch, Englishman and Chinese. They were very strong, especially Dutch and Englishman seemed to be stronger than me. Free cell is the game that players send their cards on the table, the points are piling up by Heart cards.   If one player’s point becomes over 100, the player is loser and then the game ends. The strongest players’ game started. In beginning, The Dutch and the Englishman played the game advantageously. But I and the Chinese kept on playing patiently. When the game was closing to the end, the Chinese and my score were near 100, but the Dutch and the Englishman’s score were near 90. The last game started. My cards were worst, and I thought that I would be loser. Suddenly,...

Strange things in Japan

2017/9/22. Strange things in Japan by one Japanese  :Japanese has Double faces , to foreigners ( EU & USA ) and to other countries  ; I think that Japanese tend to believe EU & USA people have something good cultures , and other countries don't. :Japanese tend to forget their history  ; I think that Japan has did the World War 1&2. This means that Japanese were warlike , not peaceful. And I think that Japanese are still warlike. :Japanese tend to think as they are still great , and look down other Asian countries  ; I think that other Asian countries have their own values , and Japanese are still economic monkeys. Of course , other Asian countries have been growing up their economy. :Japanese tend to think that the Japanese constitution has been pushing by USA ; I think that they don't change it , not can't. :Japanese tend not to study English hard ; A lot of people in the world use English , but Japanese can't. Thi...

High cost&effect vs Low cost&effect

2017/9/21. What I think at works I have been working at laboratory in construction company. One past day , my boss got angry to me so much , because I didn ’ t think about the relationship between effect and cost. From the day , I started to think about it. Relationship between effect and cost , this is very important for work , also for life. Relationship ( Japan ) High effect Low effect High cost Not good  Bad Low cost Best Better I made this table now. Business companies in Japan dislike high cost and high effect. And they prefer low cost & effect more than high cost & effect. This thought has merit and demerit. Merit is easy to improve , but demerit is difficult to innovate. In Japan , the innovation is hard to generate for this reason. Choosing high cost & effect or low cost & effect , is big decision , and Japanese companies may continue to choose low cost & effect. 

Tokyo stocks markets: End buyers are coming, so end is near...

2017/9/20. Pessimists are very smart , so they mistake in stock markets... Pessimistic thinking is often because of their smartness , and players in stock markets are not always very smart. So stock markets is not wrong , it ’ s real fact. Pessimists have ideal world in their head , it drives them thinking the markets has to be ideally.  And what should we think when we hear the pessimists ’ voices? I think that the possibility is in their voices , but I care that majority people feel it real or not. And when real pessimists turn to be optimistic , I really feel that stock markets is very dangerous zone.  I feel that there is little zone for rising the stock prices in Japanese Tokyo market. Because these days, workers in big companies start for Japanese 401K. So the end stocks buyers are workers in big companies. ( End stocks buyers: The last person who buy stocks by highest prices. ) Little or a little is not problem. 

For what, I work? (Just diary)

2017/9/20. For what , I work? I am a worker at company , but I sometimes feel that I don ’ t want to work in here. Not because of the kind of works , but of the human relationship. Some says there is no working place without worrying at human relationship. But is it real? I don ’ t think so , but it includes truth. If I feel others are bad and I am right , it causes problems in one day.  So am I bad or is environment bad? I can ’ t answer because of lack of faith for my judgement. I may have IQ score 140 , but I don ’ t have faith for my judgement. But why does the problem happen? Because I want to believe my answer. My emotions tells me that I want to believe myself , but others around me tells me they are right. This is my answer. I want to believe myself , but something stops it. This is my situation. And what I work for is that I want to believe myself , and for some money. One day , I want to work in USA as civil engineer. Maybe I don ’ t have enough d...

Audiobook "World Order" by Henry Kissinger

2017/9/16. Audiobook "World Order" by Henry Kissinger These days , I listen to the audiobook "World Order" by Henry Kissinger. There used to be "World Order ( strongest power ) vs internal culture". And now , strongest power ( USA ) becomes as the second. In this step , I thought that the war happens. But in listening the audiobook , the thought may be wrong. World War 1&2 were happened for the one reason , benefits of own colony. In fact , the main players fought for their benefits of own colony. And in World War 2 , the main players , German , Japan didn't have enough colony. Fighting for colony is hard to do in this century , so I wonder that USA and China will fight the real war.

North Korea

2017/9/11. North Korea:My opinion about Chinese government  Chinese government banned bitcoins trading. I think this action is for stop the North Korea to sell or buy technology for other countries. North Korea may have been collecting bitcoins by dirty methods , such as computer virus "Ransomware". And these bitcoins are the tools for trading technology about nuclear weapons & ICBM missiles.  Chinese government may want to stop this trading. And they also want keeping current North Korea system. This is because of hesitation for ban of oils trading to North Korea.  So Chinese government wants to stop the development of nuclear weapons and ICBM by North Korea , but doesn't want to change the system of North Korea. #Today is the day 9.11. I hope the world will be better.

USA casino, Welcome to Japan!

2017/9/9. USA casino, Welcome to Japan! MGM ’ s Murren hints local-led , 2025 target for Japan casino I think that the suitable place for casino is near the station which Shinkansen stops ( High-speed express ), for example Shinagawa , Tokyo & Ueno. But there are a few places enough for casino. Toyosu or Tukiji will be casino places. 

Low banking rates keep zombiee companies survive

Zombiee companies (= Companies which can't earn enough profits) survive under the environment in low banking rates. This phenomenon has merit & demerit. Demerit is delaying the cycle of economy. Merit is holding workers without losing their jobs. But this merit causes next problem, the lower productivity. Now, Japanese government try to productivity higher by technology, but it is on misunderstanding or they know the truth. If they really want to improve productivity, the solution is rising banking rates and killing zombiee companies. Japanese low productivity is because of low banking rates, and government's huge debts makes the solustion impossible. I think this phenomenon is named as "The offender is me!" I think that Japanese goverment know the reason of low productivity, and they want to escape from the real reason. High banking rates kills the zombiee companies & the goverment... And I wonder higher productivity makes the companys' selling mor...

Limit of Democracy by aging society

2017/9/8. Limit of Democracy by aging society  Tax eaters &/vs Bonds buyers , not vs Tax payers  Increasing tax eaters is the common problem for governments. This is because of limit of democracy by aging society. Who solve this problem is that bonds buyers , not tax payers. Of course , tax payers have votes , but tax eaters have , too. So tax payers are included in this problem. Only bonds buyers can decreasing tax eaters.  If main bonds buyer is the central bank , who solve this problem ? Japanese economy is coming to the edge...

Gold & Oils

2017/9/8. Values and prices of Gold & Oils The prices of Gold & Oils seem to hit the ceiling at 2012 , I think the commodity's 15 years cycle was rushed for 2-3 years.  This may be because of information technology , it spreads the information of 15 years cycles to investors. Next 15 years ( from 2012 ) will be stocks area , especially electric power company which using oils & gases ( e.g.OKINAWA electric power company ), gas providers company ( e.g.Tokyo Gas company ), steel company ( e.g. JFE in Japan ) will be good targets for investment.  I thought that Tokyo electric power company was good target for investment , but I concern about lawsuit in USA and their attitudes for nuclear energy. Next 15 years ( from 2012 to 2027 ) cycle will be shorter than 15 years , I mean that stocks area will be 10 years ( from 2012 to 2022 ) . Because the bursting of human populations is the reason for rushing commodities booming.  These days , I t...

Money lending for young women in Japan

2017/9/2. Money lending for individuals in Japan  In Japan , money lending for individuals are increasing. This article shows that Japanese banks are pushing for it. And these days their advertising uses young famous actors and athletes , and this shows that Japanese banks' purpose. They want to lend money for young women. The orthodox way for business targets is aiming young women. Young women use money for their prides , better to be seen. So banks are getting ready for lending money for young women.

Things & money choose owners

2017/9/2. Things & money choose owners  How about IQ ? Things & money choose owners. If the things & money become too much stress for owner , the owner loses the things & money. Owners seems to choose things & money , but things & money choose owners. This is one fact. And how about IQ ? If too high IQ becomes stress for owner , does the owner lose it ? I think that too high IQ runs the owner to be crazy because of stress. And IQ is standing on neighbors' IQ , so the owner have to choose his/her environment.  Separate living by IQ is one solution.  Next problem is there. Separate living by IQ doesn't have reality for some countries. So how to save high IQ isolated people ? Finding them and keeping contacts by someways are one solution for them.  Too high IQ is weapon. If we can control it , it's very useful. But if we can't control it , it becomes vey dangerous. And how to find them ? I think that surveillance vi...