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Showing posts from August, 2017

USA vs China and North Korea

2017/8/29. USA vs China and North Korea  China had been loser from 19th centuries , this is because of late for industrial revolution & internal conflict. These reasons seems to be solved now. China has power and will aim to get symbolic honor , this is the name "Winner to Japan or/and USA". Or the name may be "Top of the world ". In sooner or later , China will be richest country in the world , if USA doesn't hinder it. North Korea , why they fire missile ? I thought this point , and I think that North Korea's firing missiles aim Japan to have own army. First , I thought this thought had contradiction. But by second thought , if Japan has own army , what will happen ? The possibility of breaking the USA-Japan alliance will be higher , and if this is the real purpose for China & Russia , North Korea will keep on fire the missiles near Japan. That alliance is most dangerous for China , this is obvious. So China will break i...

Economic war: USA vs China

How to define the winner in economic war between USA and China? This is simple. Loser must be bankrupt. Bankrupt decides loser, so USA or China gov. will be fighting until bankrupt. 21 st century is the century that decide next super power. Next super power (I think it will be Chinese Gov.) will make new World Organization alternative to United Nations. Because the five countries have initiative in UN, and super power dislike this system. (Invisible Tools) Materials, Food & Water (Visible Fighting) Information, Manufacturing & Transport Technology (Common method) Making more effect by less power, materials & time.