2017/7/9. Real estates are vital.
Clothes, foods & real estate. These 3 things are vitals for life.
Real estates' prices get higher easy, because the difficulty for replacement.
I think that the percentage of living in house to the income, will be higher in future. (In near future, a lot of people will be suffered by this reason.)
If rich people keep on increasing their assets in this economy, a lot of people will be suffering about not having enough money in the retirement age. This is like a "No water in the dessert ".
Retirement people will rely on government at that time, but this is bad situation for government.
(But I want to be rich...)
Real estate' booming is "last resort" in capital economy. This booming happens when the society system has maximum power.
So if USA's this real estates' booming is real, USA will lose their power after ending the booming. (I don't hope so.)
(And I bought US REIT... Because the Japanese economy has dangerous points.)
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