---Being better child may make him bad guy---
(Just my experience)
1. Parents want child being good child
Almost all parents want their child being good/better child. And child try to act being good/better child.
Talented children can acting, and parents are pleased with it. If parents’ expectations are too high, child live hard life.
2. Limit of being good child
In my experience, some students’ limit of being good child comes in 14-17 years old.
And after that, they become having their own power. This is because of limit breaking.
If this limit breaking hasn't come and child joins to college, the person will be in trouble.
Because he/she is adult, but the person doesn't have their own power.
So the person has power, but it's not own. So evilly people who is around the person, want to use his/her power.
3. After saturation of being good child
So evilly people always seek to find targets who has power. The targets doesn't realize their own power, so evilly people aim to get them. And targets becomes to involve criminal companies or Ponzi scheme.
4. Recoil of limit breaking
Patience is limited, I think. So recoil of limit breaking is hard as same as the person’ patience.
5. Success or not
The person who gets success in now, is the person who can be relaxing in high school.
The person who couldn't be relaxing in high school, went to something wrong ways.
6. Happy is more than success, but success is still important
Success, I mean being rich, is important. But happy is more important than success.
Recently, it seems that being rich is most important values in Japan. It implies that the ending of monetarism is near.
7. In addition
I aim to get 3 skills. English language, writing in Word, research in Excel.
These 3 skills will help me in future. And on my job, my English skill is approved in first time!
Learning English is right way for me! I keep on learning English!
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